When it comes to real estate styling or staging for an open house, space can be transformed from a run-of-the-mill, unimpressive property to one that features the ‘wow’ factor. But without a bit extra attention to minute details, even the most expertly staged properties could still leave something to be desired. Do not allow staging efforts to be wasted – advise clients to put finishing touches on homes, and enhance their possibilities of selling, and quickly. Here are 4 frequently overlooked finishing touches that are capable of making a home shine greatly.

1. Switch lights

This might appear like a huge task, but it’s quite easy and simple to just switch out ceiling light fixtures. Replacing broken and old fixtures are capable of adding a polished appearance and making the home feel quite updated. Don’t forget that during open houses and showings, every light in the house will be on, thus potential buyers’ eyes will naturally be attracted to them. Select timeless options that will support the décor. And remember switch plates – yellowed or dingy light switches could cause a staged room to still appear incomplete.

2. Think about window treatments

Your clients might be unwilling to replace shades or blinds before moving, as they have to leave them when they go. But remind them of the considerable value that custom window treatments add to the eventual sale price. This is one thing that the foremost styling firm, Urban Chic Property Stylists, Sydney does quite well. The correct treatments can add style, privacy, and even energy-efficiency to homes. They are also an excellent means of framing a room that’s been staged professionally. During the showing, treatments should enable as much natural light as possible to get into the room. Natural light greatly balances all overly yellow light bulbs and offers a blank canvas for potential buyers to see very clearly.

3. Touch the paint up

An expertly staged property will feature impeccable furnishings as well as accessories. But scuffed walls or chipped baseboards could undo all that polished appearance in one instant. Advise clients to go through the entire property with a touch of paint and eliminate the offences that are most obvious. This is a simple means of hiding the home’s actual age and retaining potential buyers’ concentration on the best attributes of the property.

4. Give floors some attention

Stagers might include area rugs, but they don’t utilize such rugs to conceal stained carpeting or scratched hardwoods. You should advise that clients should make the simple deep cleaning and buffing investment on the floor of the property. The simple investment will help in ensuring that the rest of other steps taking to stage the home appear truly at home in the very pristine environment that the property will then seem to be in.

These are the foremost secrets of real estate styling and staging you can use to give the most amazing finishing touches to a home that’s already staged. Such a move does not just ensure that the property sells fast, but it also ensures that it sells at a price that’s way above what it was initially listed for.