Traditional search methods are slower, more difficult, and less enjoyable than using voice search. Users no longer have to choose a search result option or read through pages to find the information they need because voice assistants present them with the answers they need nearly instantaneously. Instead, content marketing services must directly supply the answers to search engines, which necessitates a little more optimization work.

Optimizing for voice search is related to optimizing mobile and local search engine results pages, but with a twist. Use these five recommendations and methods to get your company on the right road for voice search visibility.


1. Make Use of Structured Data

Incorporating the structured data by content marketing services into your website pages will assist search engines in better understand your content, especially if you’re focusing on semantic search. Structured data and relevance and quality help assert rich features, which are popular results for voice searches. Pages that use schema markup structured data accounted for 36.4 percent of voice search results.

Speakable markup is a sort of markup that was created especially for voice search replies. Speakable markup identifies elements of your well-written material for audio playbacks, such as text-to-speech (TTS) by a content marketing agency. Using this markup, Google can quickly identify information that will sound natural when played back to the user.

2. Improve the visibility of your Google My Business listing

Virtual content marketing services assistants rely on Google My Business (GMB) listings to discover information about nearby businesses. Your GMB listing includes vital information about your company, such as your name, address, and phone number (also known as your NAP info). Additional information such as your business hours, website URL, a description, other contact information, and more can be included.

Read More: Local SEO: Your Strategic Optimization Guide for 2021

3. Create a mobile-friendly website.

Voice search optimization and mobile-friendliness go hand in hand. Because of Google’s move to Mobile-First Indexing and the fact that over 88 percent of “near me” voice searches are conducted on mobile devices, your site must be mobile-friendly to be found.

Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) was created by content marketing services to reduce the time it takes for mobile website pages to load. AMP websites load almost rapidly because they limit HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, which reduces the time it takes for the mobile page to render. Google automatically caches AMP sites as well. 

4. Make Your Content More Effective

The most crucial aspect of voice search optimization is content. Because voice search queries are frequently worded as questions or requests, and the average length of a voice search is 29 words, your content strategy should emphasize long-tail keywords.

The Public to find long-tail keywords that are posed as questions. This site allows you to type a keyword into the search field and receive a list of questions that are connected to that topic.

5. Reduce The Time it Takes For a Website to Load.

Page speed influences bounce rates and user experience and are a ranking element for both desktop and mobile search results. A content marketing agency Voice search results are also influenced by page speed. When a user asks a question of their virtual assistant, they usually get a response in under a second, yet the average webpage takes roughly two seconds to load.

Voice search results load 52 percent faster than the typical web page, according to a study. Your chances of claiming a voice search result might be influenced by optimizing your site to load faster or providing search engines with a way to cache your content.