Office Partners360 (OP360) is a credible name when it comes to customer service solutions, administrative functions, and technological support. It has deeply committed itself to the communities it serves and takes immense care of its employees as well, especially in the Pandemic age.

David Highbloom- Vaccinating the first batch of company employees against COVID-19

Being a leading provider of personalized outsourcing solutions, it recently had its first batch of company employees vaccinated against COVID-19. It’s widely respected Chief Administrative Officer, David Highbloom, said that this vaccination drive was supported onsite by OP360’s Certified Safety & Health Officers and first aiders. Forty-two company employees were administered the first dose of the Oxford- AstraZeneca vaccine on the 28th of May 2021 at the Visayas Community Medical Center (VCMC). OP360 is the first BPO company in Cebu City to successfully carry out this vaccination drive for its employees.

Setting up an online registration hub

The company created an onsite registration hub to verify required documents before its Safety & Health Team administered the vaccination. This accelerated the processing time, and employees were able to get their jobs faster.

In order to make the whole process comfortable for employees, OP360 distributed vaccination kits to each of its employees. Every kit had a water bottle, a pen, some biscuits, and a fan. The vaccination drive was carried out in the summer where the temperature of the Philippines generally soars up to 41 degrees Celsius.

The company received a lot of praise from hospital staff and those passing by. Their efforts were really impressive, and Susan Eleanor S Claro, the Hospital Administrator of VCMC, said she had not seen any other company doing the same for their employees.

Adopt-A-School Program by OP360

OP360 does not only care about its employees, but it has a social responsibility towards the community as well. In its unique Adopt-A-School Program, the company recently donated funds to a beneficiary school in the Philippines.

The school that received this grant was the Don Vicente Rama Memorial Elementary School- Special Education Center. It is one of the eight schools in the Cebu Province to have been nominated to be the beneficiary. The other schools that were nominated for the Program were Inayawan Night High School, Toong Integrated School, Estaca Integrated School, Bulacao Community School, Area Vocational Rehabilitation Center, Hipodromo Elementary School, and Kamanggahan Elementary School.

Judged on the basis of priority projects

Each of the schools that were nominated for the Program was presented with priority projects for which this donation was to be used. The Management Team of OP360 voted for the winning school.

David Highbloom says that since Don Vicente caters to kids that have special needs, it was chosen to receive the grant. The school used this donation to buy learning aids like multimedia projectors, a new sound system, television sets, and other necessities for the school. He adds, as a surprise, all of the eight schools nominated for the Program received multiple computers. He said this gesture was made on behalf of the company to help students struggling with the Pandemic.