Maybe your device is going through speaker irregularity, what you will do now. There happen better possibilities that the cause Samsung tablet produces no sound via speaker may be a small issue. You need not panic, have a deep breath. Prior to you choose to stumble upon the right solution to visit any shop or carrier to be checked by a professional, you are capable of doing something yourself about its malfunctioning speaker.

Follow the below-given procedure to mend yourself Samsung tablet. Also, know the issue and the way to mend it.

 Identify the problem

There is no sound produced by the speaker of your device. It can be taken as the first sign of the problem but know the problem arose all of a sudden or there were some symptoms. For example, there were coming out warped sounds, or the sounds broke up at the time of playback. Or you experienced sort of static and hissing sounds; all these factors indicate there is really something wrong.

In case you encountered these issues prior to the speaker began to malfunctioning, it can be due to some issue with the hardware. But, the most of the user who comes across this problem, it sets in without any prior warning. It shows that there is a problem with the software or maybe something is more serious.

In case you are going through all this, there may be some reasons responsible for it. For instance, maybe you are utilizing a headset or some other type of device connected with the tablet that can be the source of speaker issues. Perhaps, it can be a plugin earphones or a Bluetooth headset which would be interrupting the transmission of sound. It can offer you a clear picture of how you can carry out a Samsung tablet repair effectively. Whatever be the cause of irregularity, it needs mending.

Note headset is the cause of the issue

Take away every kind of sound accessories that you will be utilizing with the tablet, along with the headset. In case you happen to utilize a Bluetooth headset, detach it from your tablet and switch off Bluetooth on the tablet also. It can be easy to perform Samsung galaxy tablet repair yourself if you follow some reliable guide.

Send a call from the tablet device by conveying a message to its voicemail so that to carry out an initial sound test.  It is most probable that the headset is a source of trouble. Confirm the voicemail messages and let the test message playback on your speaker to check the sound is heard with clarity.

In case you hear the sound of the message clear and loud, the device is quite healthy, but it is important to change your headset. But, while doing this experiment with a Bluetooth headset, you will have to go to the settings – Bluetooth, identify the Bluetooth device and take it out. You will have then to put back the device once more, and it must mend the issue with the speaker.