Maybe it is your first time visiting an optometrist Perth or you want to update your eyeglasses. It is important to prepare in advance to get the best services. This list will help you with the necessary information you need.


Know your eye problems

Before you visit an eye doctor, it is important to think about your eye problems. Think about unusual feelings you have been experiencing in the past. If you feel like you can forget some of the eye problems then it will be wise to write them down. Some of the most common eye problems include blurry vision, poor night vision, flashes of light, or double vision. You should also note down if you have trouble distinguishing between colours and judging distances.


Sometimes you may have problems with your eyes that prevent you from doing certain activities such as reading. You should also think about how well you are maintaining your glasses if you have them. Note down if you have had any other diseases, injuries, operations or if you are on medication. You should also do research on your family and find out if any member of the family has problems relating to eyes.


What to carry

After noting down everything that might be necessary for your eye exam, it is important to carry everything that you will need for your eye examination. You should carry your current glasses if you have them. You should also remember to carry the notebook that you wrote in your eye problems and any other important information before visiting a Perth Optometrist.


Make sure you bring a friend with you when going to any medical check-up. You can bring a family member or a friend who knows you well. Carry your eye insurance information and information of your primary doctor including address and contacts. Bring with you a list of important questions you would like to ask your eye doctor.


What to ask the optometrist

You should write down all the questions you wish to ask your eye doctor. Ask him about your options to improve your vision, ask whether anything about your eyes has changed since you last visited. You should also ask your eye doctor about how to protect your eyes when you are exposed to sunlight.


Get there on time

Make sure you prepare and get there on time. You should reach at least 10 minutes before the appointment time. Never keep your doctor waiting for you because this may spoil his moods and affect the services negatively. Getting there early gives you enough time to settle and remember anything else you would like to discuss with your doctor.


Additional tips

When visiting an optometrist Perth, it is always important to create a good relationship between you and your doctor. Your doctor will serve you well if you are friendly. Never lie to your doctor because it can cause dangerous effects. Make sure you answer all questions and if you are not sure about something that your doctor wants to know it is wise to tell him that you are not sure instead of guessing. Read More: