International tourism along with many other industries have been the hardest hit with effects of Covid-19 outbreak. Services all over the world like currency exchange in Melbourneand other cities have suffered great deal too. Every service or product industry closely connected to tourism is to an all time low. In addition, many other independent business industries are experiencing downfalls as well.

However, things are expected to get better not very far down the line now. Countries like United States, Brazil, India and few other popular tourist destinations are yet suffering the worst of the virus. Still doesn’t stop many tourism enthusiasts from already start making their plans. The question however is that is it already safe to start your plans?

To answer the questions, we have some interesting facts down below. Make sure to read and plan your holiday accordingly:

Why Were There Lockdowns?

Nearly everywhere in the world, there have been some types of lockdowns imposed. More so in some places than others. Duration and intensity of lockdowns has been dependent on the number of cases in any particular region. After lockdowns spanning months, USA, UK and Europe have now opened.

Some are still debating the fact that lockdowns have been opened too soon. Many countries of the world have had quite heavy lockdowns in place. China, Australia, India, Pakistan, Malaysia and many others have had lockdowns for quite a while.

Reason for these lockdowns is to minimize people coming in contact with each other of course. People staying home and avoiding undue contact has proven to be the way to go during this pandemic. How long these lockdowns stay in place is highly dependent on how the outbreak goes.

Covid-19 Is Not Over Yet!

If you are to look at figures, it is pretty evident that it might be prime time for Covid-19 currently. It started from China and moved to Europe side quickly. And now, it has very strong presence in places like North America and central Asia. These including India, Pakistan, Indonesia and others.

Some countries of the world like Australia have treated the virus better than some others. In such countries, things are much better right now but with no guarantee of future times. Smallest of mistakes by governments and people of any country can lead to big virus disasters.

It is getting rather hard to predict for organizations like the World Health Organization about when it will end. Actual fact is controlling the virus completely might not be an option at all. It is down to how fast we can make the vaccine for the virus and get it to the masses.

Local Tourism Might Be Safer for Australians

Where international tourism is definitely a no go right now, local tourism for Australians might be lot safer. Many other countries of the world are safer for local travels as well. This is where you will see the need for services like foreign exchange in Melbourneand other cities in Australia.

Although people may not need any foreign currency for local Australian travels, being in possession of international currency can be a bonus. As income sources get reduced, any currency you have from previous travels can be helpful.

When traveling locally, you already know the places you are going to. Interaction with other people can also be minimized. Where local tourism might not replace international opportunities, it may be the way for people too bored at home.

Risk of Catching the Virus Is Too Great

Whether you are at your nearest money exchange in Melbourne outlet or the airport with other people, risk of catching the virus is always great. Considering the nature of Coronavirus and the fact that infected people don’t know about their condition until very late. It is practically invisible as well.

You simply cannot tell if there is anyone infected with the virus carrying it close to you when outdoors. Simplest and most effective way to reduce chances of infection is to stay home and limit interaction. Also, there is no evidence yet that once infected people cannot get infected again.

Wherever there are people queuing up and gathering along, there is a chance of one of them being infected. It is just such a delicate and fragile matter that you simply cannot take risk at all. Planning overseas holiday trips might have to wait even yet.

There Are Many Other Considerations!

Airlines being temporarily shut down, hotels being closed for service, taxi companies not offering service. These are some of many considerations you need to take when planning an international trip. This is applicable when you eventually get the chance to get onboard any foreign trip in the first place.

Chances are great that people planning trips will have to rethink their plans at the very initial stages. First service that you would struggle to find is currency exchange in Perth or any other part of Australia. Online currency exchange is available in Australia but that will be delayed as well.

It is just not safe enough and wise enough to start planning your foreign trips just yet. A lot of what you need on a trip would not be available for service. Restaurants, hotels, flights, taxi services, are all expected to be shut down temporarily in many parts of the world.

Bottom Line

For the while Coronavirus outbreak doesn’t get controlled, planning a foreign trip is never advised. Cutting down on interaction with other people is the way to reduce infections worldwide. You should not have to wait in ques at currency exchangers or other foreign travel services.

Traveling through airports in airlines is always risky business during times of any pandemic. Covid-19 is proven to be one of the most contagious viral infections in human history. Traveling to Coronavirus hotspots is sure to give you the virus infection no matter where you go.

Instead of international travels, people in certain parts of the world can look at national tourism. All countries of the world have much to offer in terms of tourism. Traveling internationally should be delayed as of yet until we control the outbreak or develop and commercialize vaccine for it.