The word pregnancy is associated with three words – bonding, hard work and special. Carrying the baby for at least 36 to 40 weeks makes the bond stronger of the mother and the bay even if the baby is prematurely born. The nine plus months of intense struggles, crazy body functions, mood swings, weight gain everything is taken care by the mother throughout. And then when for the first time, the mother at the second trimester feels the sweet baby move insider her tummy and when she sees heron ultrasound– oh! What a feeling it is for her.


Yes! Complications are always there ready to be accompanied with the whole process of pregnancy. Some of them are normal but many of them are unusual and if not noticed or ignored for a long time, can cause serious life threats to the fetus and might cause the death to him/her. One of those many is stillbirth – it is a condition where the newborn baby faces death without even surviving in the outer world for a single second. Placental problem or pregnancy related form of high blood pressure or pregnancy induced hypertension is the main reason for having stillbirth. Thus it is obvious for the parents to look into this matter and consult a doctor for proper guidance.

Kicking the stillbirth

The stillbirth might be a serious issue but if noticed early the doctor can prevent it. The role of the mother or parents in this regard is therefore very crucial over the periods. Counting the kicks of the fetus is one of the many responsibilities of a mother to bring her child safe and sound. Now what is the pregnancy kick counter? It is nothing but a routine counting and tracking method of the movement of the baby inside the womb. The mother has to choose the best time of the day when her baby becomes active and following some sitting or sleeping textures, she has to start counting every movement of the baby either its rolling, jabbing or kicking but not the hiccups (as those are involuntary) and make it to ten despite the time the process takes to reach ten counts. Within a few days the mother will get to know the normality in those movements. But if any changes she notices, a doctor have to be consulted by her immediately to know the reason behind.


As the science says a change in the movement in baby might be a sign of distress, an active baby can also experience the same. Tracking the baby’s movement everyday takes the guess work out of knowing if the normally active baby has slowed down or not. The real data helps the doctor to deal with the problem at an early basis. Either by self or by several apps over the internet this job can be performed. You Can also check the temperature of your body by the Thermometer apps.


There are various options for using the kick counter for pregnancy but the directions must be followed to get the results accurately to prevent any unwanted situations that can cost both physical and mental damages.