There’s a ton that goes into starting your own restaurant: hiring chefs and other employees, finding the right location, setting your menu, etc. Buying restaurant equipment might be one of the last things that you think of as your business starts to come together. 

Fortunately, with a little bit of planning, buying restaurant equipment and creating a great work environment is easy. Here, we’ll break down 5 things that you should consider as you’re buying equipment for your restaurant. 

1. Prioritize Your Equipment

Not all restaurant equipment is equally important. There are certain things that are absolutely essential to your kitchen and some items that might be nice but are not required. This should be a guide as you’re prioritizing your spending as well. 

For example, a functioning oven and dishwasher are going to make a huge difference in your kitchen. On the other hand, while an industrial-sized mixer might be nice, it’s important to consider whether or not purchasing this kind of expensive elite restaurant equipment is going to make or break your new business. This kind of thinking can help you to better allocate your funds. 

2. Maximize Space and Efficiency 

Your restaurant and kitchen only have a finite amount of space. Before you start planning the equipment you intend to get, it’s absolutely necessary to have exact measurements for your kitchen and dining areas. 

Not only will keeping space in mind help keep things accessible, but it will also improve the overall workflow and efficiency once you’re in business. It’s important to keep the layout of your kitchen in mind so that the equipment chosen helps to maximize efficiency. 

You might even consider how shelving and storage space will play into the efficiency and workflow of your restaurant. Wall mounted shelves can also help you to save space. 

3. Involve the Chef 

One of the most important people to consult with as you’re planning your restaurant equipment is of course the chef. The chef should have a working knowledge of what equipment they prefer, as well as what can and can’t work with the menu you’re creating. 

A chef should at least help to provide you with a list of necessary equipment. While you might not be able to meet all of their recommendations for specific models or brands, being in communication early on can help you to reach better agreements. 

4. New vs. Used 

It’s important to remember that not every piece of equipment you buy has to be brand new! A lot of high-quality equipment can be bought second-hand at a great price point, such as from a restaurant equipment auction.

There are plenty of places that sell used equipment online if you know where to look.

5. Regulatory Compliance 

Of course, as you’re planning your kitchen and restaurant equipment, you want to make sure that you remain compliant with any and all enforced regulations and codes. 

It’s a good idea to start by familiarizing yourself with mandates set by the Occupational Safety & Health Association (OSHA) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). 

Optimizing Restaurant Equipment for You 

Hopefully, now you have a better starting point as you plan out the best restaurant equipment for your new business. As with anything, a bit of prior preparation and planning goes a long way towards making sure your business is safe and successful. 

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