Apart from the protection of your training associate the main purpose of training pads is to expand capability, speed, and artistry of fighter’s leg punt. They are commonly used in combat sports training in MMA, Muay, and kickboxing. They are one of the most adaptable pieces of apparatus in MMA. They come in different shapes and sizes and they can take the ponderous of sanction. Instead of hitting the heavy bag kickboxers beat the pads and it’s an excellent workout. However, if you are concentrate on becoming a proficient MMA fighter or want to captivate in steadfast training then you need to subsidize in some special MMA equipment. The most important piece of equipment you will need is an MMA training pad.


Following are the factors you should notice when buying your training pads.

Thickness of Pads:

The first and the main thing you need to consider while buying pads is thickness. The pads will easier to hold if they have less thickness and they won’t fed up your arms but in the case of a sanctuary, it will not be at the same place as thicker pads. If you buy low-priced training pads you will feel every boot at the end of your each training sitting. Your arms will be maimed and affront. A quality pair of training pads should have enough padding so anyone doesn’t feel the trauma of every kick, so always try to buy quality pads.

The size of Pads:

The second resolution you need to make while selecting pads is the size and their range is from small to extra-large. According to your needs, you will select separately. Basically, the small size is satisfactory for women and smaller guys. If you are taller one you should select the larger pad but you should not consider extra-large. Always keep in mind that pads habitually adjust with straps so make sure that pad fits on your arm with the help of straps.

The shape of Pads:

Training pads come in a variety of shapes, some pads are smaller in size and some are bulky that are difficult to hold for kicks. Larger pads provide more surface area but they are too difficult to hold.

Curved Pads:

Pads with no curvature are more difficult to hold and kick so always try to buy pads that curve, they will give you a more comfortable and relaxing kicks. They will cost you the bit more than regular pads. Curved pads help boxers to catch the coming shot better with the best grip of pads on their hands.

Straight Pads:

For the pad holders, these type of pads are difficult to control and they are not comfortable at all. The incoming shot is unable to control by the boxer while using these pads.

The quality of pads:

When you are looking for the quality of pads always try to buy the pads that are made in Thailand because they are of high quality than those manufactured in China or Mexico. Best quality pads will give you a more protection and your arms don’t suffer any kind of injury or danger.