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Author: Rizwan


How To Be A Good Tourist On Your Next Trip 

Travelling and exploring new places is one of the best things in life. It gives your experiences that nothing else can give. In fact, travelling can make your life so much more meaningful. This is why some people dedicate a part of their life’s savings…


Is Cord Blood Banking Worth It? 

A lot of debate is going on about the cord blood banking. Nowadays this field is being pursued nearly in all the developed countries that are doing a lot for the advancement of technology. Basically, cord blood is simply the blood obtained from the umbilical…


Find Time for a Quick Energy Boost 

Finding time for exercise can sometimes feel like trying to squeeze your foot into a shoe that’s too small. That can be especially true at a busy time of year like this. So here are three things to consider, no matter what time of year…

Design, Lifestyle

World class hand made miniature ships 

Morbi fermentum purus metus, eu consequat est congue ut. Proin ut eros ac tortor imperdiet convallis nec eu dui. Curabitur sed fermentum arcu. Vestibulum sed egestas purus. Donec dapibus malesuada eros quis suscipit. Praesent fermentum ipsum nec elit finibus, at cursus augue maximus. Praesent blandit…

People, Travel

Top 10 most visited tourist places in the world 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis…

Guide, Travel

What usually is in my travel bag and why? 

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam laoreet, nunc et accumsan cursus, neque eros sodales lectus, in fermentum libero dui eu lacus. Nam lobortis facilisis sapien non aliquet. Aenean ligula urna, vehicula placerat sodales vel, tempor et orci. Donec molestie metus a sagittis…

Life, Motivation

Going down the memory lane 

Duis sollicitudin nibh et libero rhoncus ultricies. Maecenas risus ipsum, imperdiet ac luctus sit amet, volutpat nec libero. Fusce mattis non nisi quis tincidunt. Donec dictum velit sed feugiat laoreet. Sed justo magna, sollicitudin et dignissim ac, venenatis at tortor. Sed finibus faucibus tincidunt. Mauris…