CSR (corporate social responsibility) is a self-regulatory business model that allows a company to be socially responsible to its shareholders, employees, and the general public. Companies should be mindful of their effect on all facets of society, including economic, social, and environmental, by exercising corporate social responsibility, also known as corporate citizenship. To participate in CSR means that an organization operates in ways that benefit society and the community rather than harming them in the ordinary course of business.

In other words, Corporate social responsibility refers to your company’s ability to responsibly manage the natural, social, and economic consequences of its activities while still meeting public standards. We believe that collaborating is one of the best ways to create value for both society and enterprise.Corporate social responsibility companies provide employment-linked skill training programs that concentrate on providing students between the ages of 18 to 35 with a range of work or job opportunities.

9 different forms of corporate social responsibility operations

The types of CSR activities that are eligible for companies to apply to under the Companies Act 2013 are mentioned in the 8th schedule of the act:

  • Putting an end to Hunger, Poverty, and Malnutrition.
  • Contributions may be made to programs for rural development and slum improvement.
  • Initiatives of corporate social responsibility (CSR) relating to the environment.
  • Encouragement of education.
  • Encouragement of gender equality.
  • Measures should be taken to help and sustain veterans of the armed forces, war widows, and their families.
  • Contributions or funds are given to central government-approved academic institutions for the advancement of technology.
  • Donations to the Prime Minister’s National Relief Fund or any other central government fund established for the welfare, growth, and relief of scheduled castes, tribes, other backward classes, women, and minorities.
  • Protect national heritage, craft, and values through volunteering.

Significance of corporate social responsibility

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) plays a vital role in sustaining the country’s communal spirit. It allows people from all backgrounds of life to participate. It brings together various types of organizations in a collaborative environment with the common goal of development. It promotes the creation of a nationalism spirit among capitalists and the general public.

A corporate social responsibility program is successful because it ensures that the beneficiaries are impacted at the right time. It contributes to a society’s overall growth. CSR plays an important part in addressing the mental health of the country’s young office workers. Employee engagement in a company’s CSR programs will help with your team building, leadership development, and instilling a sense of obligation.

The happiness factor is an additional bonus. It also contributes significantly to financial inclusion, social inclusion, education, and behavioral change among Indians. Although the government may develop policies to resolve different problems, it is a corporate social responsibility that ensures that the laws are adopted by the public.

According to the law, corporate social responsibility has the potential to help the country’s creative minds. As a result, it can help a variety of Indian start-ups create more jobs while also addressing the country’s social issues. Most significantly, it enables young people to take more risks to work together to realize their dreams and contribute to national growth.

Scope of corporate social responsibility

A company’s CSR is managed by the best minds in the industry. If your organization spends a significant amount of money, it is natural for it to want to make sure that it is invested wisely. It is carried out by knowledgeable and competent workers to accomplish this. As a result, it bears a great deal of responsibility and has a lot of potential in the future. Though India continues to develop at a rapid rate. To promote indigenous solutions to indigenous problems, investment in research in education, technology, medicine, space technology, policy formulation, and other areas is needed. CSR has the potential to revolutionize the field of analysis. Corporate social responsibility can enable people and the informal sector to engage in social and national growth. It will work to help Indian people recognize and carry out their basic obligations, thus educating the community about how to be responsible citizens.

Ways to assess the impact of the corporate social responsibility efforts

Many businesses struggle to quantify the impact of their corporate social responsibility (CSR) efforts. Some of the benefits, such as increased customer satisfaction and credibility, are difficult to quantify, making it difficult to determine the importance of your company’s efforts.

However, analysis is important because it allows you to make informed decisions.

  • let your stakeholders and customers aware of the value of your activities
  • when your company step on with CSR programs, strengthen your decision-making
  • Align your team practices with your organizational priorities, such as lowering turnover or improving employee skills.

You can relate the importance of your CSR activities to your company’s bottom line by calculating the effect of your activities. You can, for example, create a link between skill development and lower training costs, employee satisfaction and a lower turnover rate, and even increased sales leads and higher revenue.


Businesses of all sizes need to pay attention to the problems that matter to their clients, as well as the community and global impacts that their business can have. Centum’s belief in corporate social responsibility partnership training or ‘smart partnering’ as one of the ways to create utility for both businesses and society is reflected in its alliance with corporate India. Centum has introduced employability-related training in several industries, including IT/ITeS, Telecom, Beauty & Wellness, Fashion, Manufacturing, Retail, Hospitality, BFSI, and Healthcare. Centum’s offering Initiatives for job-related skill preparation, Women’s empowerment by programs that promote self-employment or wage jobs, Managing and developing comprehensive coverage Centers of Excellence in rural and urban India. By constantly engaging with other parties, clients, and suppliers, your company will gain more opportunities. Corp[orate social responsibility is an open, focused approach at the same time.

Centum Foundation has partnered/initiatives for corporate social responsibility with Microsoft, Bata Limited, Muthoot Finance Limited, Aricent Technologies, Nuclear Power Corporation of India, Hinduja Global Solutions, Jubilant FoodWorks Limited.