“Amazing things will happen when you listen to the consumer”- Jonathan Midenhall

Marketing is constantly evolving.

From printing ads to now digital ads on social media platforms. The brands are ready to go to any extent when it comes to attracting customers through online marketing.

Whether it is a budding brand or an entrepreneur, everyone knows the power of online marketing. With every passing day social media is playing a crucial role in one’s lives. The creator’s society is all set to make a new niche for the marketing world.

There are many online tactics including social media marketing to pay-per-click ads, but the most popular one among these is influencer marketing. In no time, this marketing platform has got everyone, head over heels. It is no secret that these individual strategists have taken over Instagram & turnedit into a shopping carnival.

As per the reports from Business Insider, influencer marketing is set to reach $15 billion by 2022.

These statistics clearly show us a huge business opportunity for the budding as well as micro-macro influencers on the social media platforms. There is no scope of thinking to quit this genre as a profession now, it is on the verge of growth, thus becoming one with the medium to attain success in no time online.

The brands from all over the world, be it clothing, jewelry, grocery, electronics, are up for a healthy collaboration and a series of ad campaigns with you influencers. So if one wants to become a fashion and lifestyle influencer like Amy Bell, Emma Hill, Phil Cohen, and others, then this is the time to climb the ladder.

If you are thinking of this as a profession, then you might as well would be following your favorite influencers on media platforms. There are chances that you are liking the whole “work from home” & “independent ideation” ideology accompanied by lots of free stuff. So, now, without a further due, let’s understand the journey of becoming a successful fashion influencer.

5 tips to become a successful fashion influencer in 2021

#1 Find your apparel taste

Everyone has their own style of wearing apparels and deciding on a color scheme for their wardrobes. As an individual you need to decide what kinds of clothes do you like? Street wears, elite clothing, funky wears, and others. Once a niche is figured out, one can easily market themselves wearing stuff out of their wardrobe to lure the brand collaboration. With the apparel taste a series of questionnaire will be solved like:-

  • What is my target audience?
  • Who will collaborate with me?
  • How to style my Instagram profile?
  • Which brands will I approach for tie ups?

There are many other questions too, which will eventually come to you as and when you start using the medium for your marketing purposes.

#2 Build your influential profile

To lure brands and followers, no one needs to have a proper photo shoot.

Businesses are attracted towards natural simplicity. No need to overdo your looks when planning a proper profile on a social media handle. For more intricate results, you can also study other famous influencer’s walls or brands that have been collaborating with such creative minds to know their perspective on the same.

To reach people, you have to step into their shoes. Pay close attention to the new followers and note their reactions by reading comments. Also, one has to keep a close eye on the number of views and shares, as they are likely to change overnight (increase or decrease) depending upon the organic or fake follower’s ratio.

#3 Frequent posting is a must

The fashion industry is cluttered. To stand out of the crowd, one needs to be in front of the audience every now and then. Brand recall is the key to win the marketing race on social media. One has to keep posting daily, if not that, then an influencer can also post stories providing some additional content to the followers.

You need to be accurate in timings when it comes to posting a post or stories. Run an analytics and know for yourself, the page’s highest viewing or engagement ratio and time, this will become your desired posting time.

#4 Form a unique marketing pattern

Once you are set with a creative profile, a loyal audience, and posting time, an influencer has to form a marketing pattern. At an initial stage, you need to experiment your strategy. For instance, you can plan a 365 days outfit all in traditional or apparels in symmetric. Also, can plan a fashion copycat post, to portray a brand’s item in a funny yet convincing way to pursue a purchase decision. There are many other unique ways to build an image of oneself online. Make sure your feed is convincing enough for the brands to collaborate with you. Be versatile in your posting ways. It can be a reel, GIF, anything, use the filter and maximize your creativity levels.

#5 Keep track of your performance

The content that you create has to be monitored. You cannot continue with a less viewed or watched material for a long time. Use your online analysis well for planning a marketing strategy for future brands. Look into the insights and make a mental note about the things you need to improve upon. Thus, this will lead you to better marketing plans and collaboration strategies.

Now, let’s have a look at the perks that you will get as a fashion influencer, be it a streetwear clothing brand ambassador or a traditional one like Masoom Minawala.

What are the perks of becoming a fashion influencer?

  • Photo and video shoots with the collaborated brand
  • Opportunities to visit fashion events
  • Earn commission over sales
  • Free merchandise
  • Discounts on the merchandise

Thus, people are obsessing over fashion trends and trend setters. The fashion influencer marketing is here to stay and so are the fashionistas. A constant urge of looking different is channelizing the online market. Grab this opportunity of becoming an influencer, as the brands are awaiting a creative mind like you for their apparels.