Whether you’re approaching your first anniversary or have already celebrated 50 of them, it’s a day that marks a significant milestone not just for the couple but for the family, too. The love that is shared grows day by day, year by year. But sometimes the spark fades a bit, and your anniversary is the perfect time to reignite that spark and turn up the heat. Who doesn’t want to feel like it’s their honeymoon all over again?

Take Your Partner Salsa Dancing

It doesn’t matter if you truly know how to salsa dance or not, getting out on the floor and doing your best is really what counts. And, even though you’ll learn along the way, the mistakes are the most fun! Engaging in an activity that takes some skill but is also innately sensual is the perfect way to celebrate any anniversary.

Plan a Night of Reminiscing

Chances are good you’ve got hundreds of photographs and various memories in the form of letters, videos, trinkets, etc. that all express your love for one another. Spend the evening looking at these items and sharing the memories with each other, over a glass of wine or sparkling cider. Anniversaries are for marking the longevity of a deep and abiding love, celebrate that with the beautiful reminders you have all over the house.

Egift Card Competition

There’s nothing wrong with a little healthy competition in a love partnership! And now is the time to see, who knows the other best! Egift cards are available for just about every store in every category under the sun. Has your spouse always wanted to go hand gliding? Hot air ballooning? An egift card is convenient and secure, and an ideal way to stoke excitement for the future.

Recreate Your First Date

First dates are filled with nerves and anticipation. By the time you are celebrating anniversaries, those nerves have calmed quite a bit. While you don’t necessarily want the nerves back, you can stoke the fires by recreating your first date and laughing through dinner at all the things you didn’t know then, but know now.

Plan a Cook-Off

Celebrity news is filled with the question – Who wore it better? Now you can ask each other, who cooked it better? Whether it’s chili, chicken wings, a fancy dessert or tuna casserole, get your aprons on and set out to cook the very best dish you can. Because, if you lose – you’ll be responsible for cleaning up the kitchen!


The two of you have earned it! Being married might feel like a dream but in reality, it requires compromise, communication, and patience. Reward yourselves by booking a room in an elegant hotel and bring along the bubbly, a scattering of rose petals, and your favorite music. Let the stress of your lives stay outside the hotel room walls and enjoy.

Take a Cooking Class Together

No matter how much you may already know about cooking, unless you are a chef there’s always more to learn. Take a class together to hone your current skills, and to acquire new ones. Choose from classes such as Baking and Pastry Lessons, International Cuisines, and Culinary Basics. 

Get Cozy Inside

Sometimes, staying in for the evening is the best plan of all. Pick up your favorite take out, grab a bottle of wine, and aim to have a thoughtful conversation. If you’re really into it, buy a couple’s board or card game ahead of time, and make it a night of discovery.

Camp the Night Away

Arguably, there is nothing more romantic than an evening under the stars. Light a bonfire, spread out the sleeping bags, and hunt for marshmallow sticks. Taking a night to camp in the wilderness will help the two of you reconnect to each other, and disconnect from the rest of the world.

Slip into a Sunset Boat Ride

If you live near water, and hear it calling to you, find a boat tour that offers sunset boat rides. A larger boat will accommodate a lot of people, which can be nice especially if you make it public that it is your anniversary. A smaller boat will be more intimate, and the two of you can glide off into the sunset without a care in the world.

Whether you choose to stay in or go out, travel or have a staycation, there is a world of options available to you at your fingertips to turn the heat up on your anniversary in a way you’ve never done before. And with any luck, it will become a time-honored tradition for the both of you.