It’s always fun to find new and creative ways to clean makeup brushes. They’re already clean and look brand new, but once they’re loaded with makeup and pressed up against the skin, dirt and bacteria can stick around for a while. There are many ways to clean makeup brushes at home that don’t involve buying a new expensive vacuum cleaner or soap. A combination of baking soda, liquid soap and water is a great way to clean your brushes without spending any money at all. Of course, there are lots of other great homemade methods for cleaning brushes as well, so be creative and use whatever method you think will work best for you!

Use a Mixture:

You may have a lot of clean clothing left at work that you haven’t worn through yet. The worst thing you can do to clean those shirts or suits is throw them in the wash. It’s not a good idea to wash your powder sticks or liquid foundation on a dirty washcloth. Even liquid foundations can’t stay on forever if you’re not careful. Here are a few ways to clean those makeup brushes at home:

Use a mixture of one part shampoo, two parts water and one part club soda to clean your brush bristles. Soap scum can collect on the inside of the bristles, and it’s a great place for bacteria to breed. After removing the soap scum from the brushes, rinse them under warm running water. Let the brushes to dry in the sunlight for about a minute before replacing them into your suitcase.

Towels Clean and Use Them:

If you have an old or dirty powder brush, soak it in hot water and dish detergent until the bristles turn clean. Brush bristles are very susceptible to oil and soap build-ups because they never completely dry out. Using a scrub brush (such as an old toothbrush) or a combination of a soft brush and some elbow grease, gently scrub the brushes until all of the soap is removed. Rinse the brushes off thoroughly, then dry them with clean towels. Make sure to keep the towels clean and use them often when you’re cleaning brushes.

You might notice that there’s a lot of grime on your clean makeup brushes at home. That’s because old, oily hair tends to shed tiny little bits of oil every time you brush on your lashes. To get rid of these little bits of oil, simply mix a bit of mild dish detergent with a little water. Apply the mixture to the bristles of the brush, and scrub them gently until the soap is removed. Then rinse the brushes thoroughly, and use a clean towel to wipe the area so that no soap residue remains.

Olive Oil To Clean:

Shampoo your brushes once or twice a month. If you use loose powder, make sure to rinse it thoroughly after you wash it. The longer it sits in water or soap, the more likely it is to attract unwanted bacteria. Dry the brushes completely before storing them in a cool, dry place. This will help prevent mold and other problems from occurring on your brushes.

You can also use olive oil to clean makeup brushes at home. Simply mix the oil with a small amount of water to create a liquid and apply to the bristles of each brush. Rub the mixture together until the oil begins to run off the brush, then gently wipe the brush. Make sure to clean the brushes well before storing them in their carrying cases.


One of the best natural ways to clean your brushes is to use baby oil. Simply pour some baby oil onto a cotton ball and place the brush into the oil, making sure the bristles dip down into the oil. Let the brushes sit for a few minutes, then use a clean towel to wipe them off. Once the brushes have dried, make sure they are completely  Hairstyles for women over 60 dry before storing them in their carrying cases.