Starting your non-governmental organization (NGO) does not just require money. You will have to put in a lot of determination, hard work, and a genuine interest in supporting others. Starting an NGO involves the similar process required in starting a company, the only difference being maintaining transparency. You will also be required to work towards the welfare of the society without gaining financial benefits.

In order to start the best NGO in India, you will need to follow certain guidelines.  Check out the steps below:

Step 1: You need to decide upon the goal or cause that your NGO will be holding up. It can range from saving the environment, children’s welfare, rehabilitation of drug addicts, to women’s rights. It is important that you draft a very clear statement of the mission you will be working towards along with what it stands for, the target group, its objectives and goals.

Step 2: Setting up a board of members/directors for governing the NGO is extremely important. They will run the organization and ensure that everything is running smoothly. This is the reason why finding like-minded individuals who share the same vision is important. They also need to be strong-willed and determined to work for the welfare of the people. You will also be needing support from legal advisers, financial advisers, and technicians to run the NGO in an organized fashion.

Step 3: Naming your organization is the next step. It is an obvious requirement as people will be recognizing your organization through the name. Come up with a short yet catchy title that correctly reflects the mission of your NGO. The best NGO organizations in India will always use a name that reflects their cause aptly. You will also have to make sure that the name you select isn’t similar to any registered company, NGO, or Government Authority Ministry, Board, or Body.

Step 4: Legal documentation of a trust deed/Memorandum of Bylaws/Understanding will be extremely important. This will be containing the address and name of the NGO, objectives and mission, staffing and human resource information, administrative procedures and laws, rules and regulations, and details of the board of directors. The Memorandum need to be drafted in an acceptable format as required for the registration. Hiring legal NGO consultants is a better way to gain better insight.

Step 5: After you have submitted the fees and kept the documents ready, you will have to register the NGO under any of the Acts mentioned below:

  • Companies Act
  • Indian Trusts Act
  • Societies Registration Act

Step 6: After you are done with the formalities, you need to collect sufficient funds that will be necessary for running the NGO. You can do that through internal sources like subscription charges, donations, fees, etc. External sources would involve grants from foreign sources, private organizations, or the Government.

When you are done with all of this, your NGO will be running smoothly. Make sure you build a good and wide network. Getting connected with corporate agencies, government agencies, media houses, professionals, and other NGOs will come handy. You should also look for partnerships with these organizations to survive and thrive in India.