For decades, Everyone assumed that flavourless beer with the only options available for a non-drinker. No one had an idea that a non-alcoholic lager could taste as good or even better than a real alcoholic lager. 

Back in the year 1973, German beer companies began marketing non-alcoholic beers as safe driving beer and recently, more and more European non-alcoholic brands are producing performance enhancing brews of non-alcoholic liquor as an alternative for alcoholic beers. Thus began the journey of non-alcoholic lager, which most people began to enjoy thoroughly. 

Here are some of the benefits of consuming non-alcoholic lager: 

Athletes have jumped on the bandwagon of consuming non-alcoholic lager, and the surge has popularized this drink among health-conscious consumers. If you are looking for a reason to switch over, these points may convert you for the coming future. 

Enhances Athletic Performance While Reducing Inflammation

Beer Brewery found that consuming about 1 to 1.5 litres of non-alcoholic lager containing polyphenols for about three weeks could significantly reduce the body’s inflammation in athletes, especially after a massive race. The same study also stipulated that ingesting beer that is non-alcoholic decreased any amount of upper respiratory tract inflammation & infection significantly in the two weeks post any race. The level of phenols in the beer supports immunity. 

Promotes Hydration

Drinking water is not only crucial to one’s survival, but drinking water at optimal levels is not a talent that many are born with. It is a habit that’s cultivated over many years of practice. Drinking water gives the body much-needed energy, immunity, mood, organ functioning, and cognition. Regular alcoholic beer is considered a diuretic, which promotes the increase in the flow of urine, removing plenty of excess water, minerals, and salts. 

All of these features that there’s accelerated dehydration. On the other hand, consuming non-alcoholic lager, not being a diuretic promotes hydration in the body. Apart from that, these non-alcoholic beverages have zero content of sugar and yet are extremely yummy. 

The Plant-based ingredients in non-alcoholic lager promote health.

Non-alcoholic beer is made using plant-based ingredients that promote health and useful properties for the body in the long term. Due to its content of Hobbs, it promotes a better resting period in comparison to having alcoholic beers. Another major ingredient in a beer is barley which is rich in vitamins and minerals. Additionally, these non-alcoholic beer is contained in a lean, which is of prebiotic fibre that helps with the creation of healthy gut bacteria. All of these can actually lower cholesterol levels and the risk of one having any heart disease.

These are some of the healthy benefits of consuming non-alcoholic liquor instead of consuming alcoholic beer, which does more harm to the body than good.