Now that Thanksgiving is upon us, it’s time to dump her and move on. We have already been bombarded with Black Friday announcements. It doesn’t end there, it’s Cyber ​​Monday right after Black Friday. All of these unlisted shopping holidays were created by Corporate America to get wallets for hardworking Americans. This is not a bad thing at all, because there are a lot of good deals for people who don’t eat much. 

Newspapers and the Internet will burn because emails and advertisements fill the center of the newspaper. Every company is fighting to win dollars this season. The economy has been in balance for four years, with economists and stock traders looking for good news to see if things are moving forward. Many people expect a slow season due to the low quantity of products ordered for Christmas. When the dust is gone, we will see if we are still descending the muddy and stagnant slope.

There is a dark side to this happy time of the year. As Americans reunite with their families, many do not talk about how much debt they owe. It is in the minds of many Americans whether or not to file for bankruptcy shortly. Lenders have no problem lending to people who can’t afford it. As the Fed prints money and pays it to member banks, banks give their clients a boost to increase their position in the debt bond. Life proof flooring black Friday deals

Unemployment rose to 8% four years ago, and the scary thing is that most people are used to it. Many Americans have given up looking for work and are accustomed to living with government assistance. With the steady decline in wages in the United States, most Americans face the question: Why work when you can make the same amount of money from unemployment? As the economy continues to deteriorate, so does the position of Americans.

As I write this, I’m sure a lot of people are loading up their pickup trucks to go to Black Friday sales to save these deals. There is nothing wrong with buying unless they overeat. The good news is, filing for bankruptcy is a way to break the debt barrier that can cripple anyone when these accounts start opening in the new year. 

Chapter 7 Filing for bankruptcy will eliminate the unlimited amount of unsecured debt. For those who are in debt, this is the right way to buy the best gift for your loved ones. Before it’s too late, distressed people should consult a bankruptcy lawyer and see if filing for bankruptcy can be in their best interests. In this day and age where there is a lot of pressure to spend, people should remember how good it would be to live like our grandparents, to be completely debt-free.