Most cyber assaults nowadays are financially propelled, which implies cybercriminals are endeavoring to get at either your information or your PC’s processing power to make a profit by stealing your identity.

They are after the names and numbers in your address dictionary and aim at stealing your vital personal details like credit card numbers, security numbers, bank details and so forth.

 What is computer virus?

In the purest forms, a computer virus is a destructive program developed by cyber criminals to delete, corrupt and obstruct the normal working of a computer system.

Computer virus sneaks without the knowledge of system administrator, can harm the system software and can result in unexpected effects.

Corrupting files, stealing passwords and login credentials, logging keystrokes are few of the most common effects of a computer virus. While others can have highly profound and damaging consequences.

Keep reading further to know more about this deadly PC threat.

 How does computer virus spread? How cybercriminals attack you?

 There are numerous deceptive ways through which cybercriminal can attack you: Few of the most common ones are:


·         Email virus:

Emails is the most favorite means of distributing computer virus. Attachments and web links contained in the body of emails are mostly infected.


·         File Sharing Virus:

P2P files sharing methods like Dropbox, Google Drive, and Share File are useful propagation methods used by PC virus.


·         Software Download Viruses: 

cybercriminals use aggressive ads and pop-up banners to distribute computer virus worldwide. Downloading freeware and shareware programs online may also result in compromised pc.


·         Unpatched Vulnerable Software:

Security gaps and unpatched software are the most overlooked means of a virus. Obsolete and outdated system software’s adds security holes, thereby leveraging chances of virus attack.


Can computer virus steal information?

 Unfortunately, there is no definite answer to the above-appended question as it keeps hovering between a “Yes” and “No.”

Spyware, Ransomware, Rootkits, Adware, Trojan, are few of the most commonly seen forms of a computer virus.

From the wide variety of PC virus, spyware is specifically designed to gather confidential information about the user and computer and may result in severe cases of identity theft and security issues.

It usually includes both personal and non-personal information like login credentials, banking details, passwords, credit card numbers, harvesting email addresses, tracking browsing habits, monitoring keyword strokes, security details, IP Address, and, etc.

From being used as a marketing aid to stealing confidential information Spyware have evolved with time.

They work silently behind the scenes and are mostly circulated as ‘shareware’ or ‘freeware’ with minimal license restrictions to trick as many individuals as possible.

Spyware is developed to track internet habits while other forms of computer virus are designed with specific reasons.

·         Ransomware:

Designed to hold a PC system for ransom. It encrypts crucial data stored on your computer system and demands payment for decryption.


·         Adware:

Considered as low-level contamination, Adware is specifically build to fill your computer screen with an annoying array of unwanted ads and pop-up banners.


·         Browser Hijacker:

Changes the default parameters of browser page and search engine, redirects search results to shady sites sponsored by third-party agencies.


·         Trojan Horses:

Trojans usually hide by masquerading themselves as genuine software’s. They get downloaded without user’s consent and carry out malicious activities.


Tips to prevent your computer from malicious virus


  • Downloading an antivirus utility programs or a malware removal tool is the most important step towards computer security.


  • Keep updating your antivirus module on a regular basis. Cybersecurity researchers keep coming up with security patches from time to time. It is imperative to update your security system for real-time protection from all existing, new and yet to be discovered PC threats. Antivirus programs scan your system against all malicious malware before they infect your system.


  • Be cautious about the removable media you utilize; some infections, including some extremely damaging ones, stack from removable media. Make certain to set your antivirus programming to filter removable media and not only your PC’s hard drive. We additionally suggest impairing autorun on Windows PCs.


  • When downloading records, be cautious about the wellspring of those documents and know precisely what you are downloading.


  • Don’t open any suspicious connections or email, particularly on the off chance that you don’t know why they were sent to you. Looks out for any suspicious links and check the sources properly before opening the mail.


  • Unless you should utilize Visual Basic scripting as a component of your work, consider just killing the Windows Scripting Host by making Windows “overlook” what program to use for opening .vbs records.


  • Configure your mutual organizers for most extreme security from arranging mindful infections and worms by killing document sharing, or setting its consents entirely.

Watchfulness, when combined with multi-layered security, makes computer systems less vulnerable and less profitable for cybercriminals.

Change your passwords regularly and other security information, perform full system scan on a regular basis to make sure your system stays clean and safe.

Fortunately, the security market is full of all kinds of antivirus programs, Adware removal tools, anti-Ransomware programs, best anti-adware are few of the most commonality is seen in system security software.

Proper system hygiene combined with layered protection will keep your system away from all odds.