Social Security benefits can provide much-needed support to people when they become disabled. Whether you are entirely or partially disabled, if you cannot work and have paid into the Social Security system for a specific period, you can enjoy its benefits. 

However, getting your SSDI claim approved can be one of the most complicated tasks of your life, especially if you are doing it without the assistance of a Rockford social security disability lawyer. In SSDI, there is no room for errors, and you need to look out for them. 

Common errors in Social Security Disability claims

  1. Waiting too long. 

SSD claims can take months, if not years, to get approved. If you think you have enough resources for your daily living costs and want to wait for filing the claim until you exhaust your current money, you may be making a huge mistake. You should file your claim when you become disabled so that you can get your benefits before exhausting all your money. 

  1. Providing inaccurate information. 

You should always be truthful about your situation in your SSD claim. All your statements will be backed up by supporting documentation. Therefore, if you exaggerate your condition, you will be seen as a liar, which may severely affect your claim. 

  1. Filing for unemployment benefits. 

Unemployment benefits are for those who are physically or mentally capable of working but are simply out of work at the moment. This directly contradicts an SSD claim that you are not capable of working at all. Filing unemployment benefits goes against the eligibility criteria of SSDI benefits. 

  1. Applying too early. 

Just as applying too late can be problematic, applying too early can pose a few problems. Remember that SSDI benefits are for those who cannot work for at least a year or more. If your doctor has not determined how long your condition is expected to last, you cannot file a claim. This is because your claim will require medical documents supporting your disability. 

  1. Providing insufficient information. 

In your SSDI claim, you must provide details and documentation of your work history, physical limitations, and medical problems. If you leave out any crucial piece of information, it could cause a denial of approval. 

  1. Waiting too long to appeal a denial. 

Many people, especially those without an attorney, think that nothing can be done once their claim gets denied. However, that is false. You can appeal your denial after it has been rejected. You have 60 days to file a Request For Reconsideration. In case you are rejected again, there are further options available. 

Maximum people who try to handle their SSDI claim without legal assistance fail to get it approved. An attorney has the training and background to handle such cases and help you the best.