Do you have a successful blog? If yes, you should start thinking about monetizing it. There are different strategies you can use to make money thanks to your blog. Keep reading to learn more about your different options.

1.      Pay per click ads are a very easy way to monetize your blog.

There are several programs you can sign up for in order to get some pay per click ads placed on your blog. You will then receive a small commission every time one of your readers clicks on an ad. Look for a program that can efficiently target your audience. You will earn a lot more if the ads featured on your blog correspond to products or services your readers will be interested in. Choose an effective seo service that will place one or two discreet ads on a page rather than using pop ups or covering your pages with ads.

2.      You can make money by placing some links on your site.

Many different programs offer text links and rates usually vary in function of how popular your blog is. You will earn more if you have a lot of backlinks for the pages where the text links will be featured. Again, choose a service that can properly target your audience the text links are relevant to your audience. If you do not have a large number of backlinks for your blog, this might not be a good option for you. Here the best option to review top backlinks tool analysis.

3.      Create an RSS feed so readers can stay in touch with you.

You can then use your RSS feeds to share links to your latest articles. Once you get a lot of subscribers to your RSS feed, consider signing up for an RSS feed ad service. These services will share ads via your RSS feed and remunerate you in function of how many subscribers you have. This is a good option if you have a popular RSS feed and if your subscribers are not likely to unsubscribe because of the ads.

4.      Consider joining an affiliate marketing program.

This is a great option if the topic of your blog can easily be connected to some products. You should compare different affiliate marketing programs before choosing one. Make sure the program you join has a good reputation. You can sell affiliate products by simply placing links to the product pages on your blog or you can actually create content on the products you want to sell. Writing about the products you are trying to sell will help you get better results.

5.      Sell ad space or links to other bloggers or webmasters.

Signing up for pay per click services is a good way to monetize your blog but you can earn a lot more if you do not go through a service. Contact bloggers or webmasters who traded links with you in the past to see if they would like to purchase a few links on your blog or have their content featured. Make sure you can bill your clients in a professional way, for instance by sending them invoices and accepting credit card payments.

There are many other strategies you can use to earn money thanks to your blog. It is important to select a strategy that is adapted to your blog and to your audience in order to get better results.