Water purification is the process of removal of undesirable substances from the water that is used for drinking by the humans, which includes biological contaminants, suspended solids, hidden microbes and other miscellaneous impurities from the same. The basic purpose of purification is to make the water fit for daily use, for example for drinking on the domestic scale and for chemical and industrial uses in the large scale industries. In ancient times there were separate units for the water purification system like filtration, sedimentation, distillation, flocculation, chlorination etc. But with the advent of technology, all of these units got integrated into a single device or system, that is known today as a water purifier. With a lot of regular use, this system requires servicing at regular intervals. Hence this article will detail further about the Water purifier service in Mohali.

The common signs of warning

Water purifier, being an electronic unit is prone to showing reduced efficiency in purification with the passage of time. This process is gradual and is indicated by a number of warning signs shown from time to time. Following are some of those signs that indicate when the system needs to be serviced: –

  • The water that is received from the purifier shows signs of impurities or suspended particles. This is the foremost indicator of the fact that the membranes of the purifier are not working properly and hence the time has come to change the same as soon as possible.
  • The flow rate of the water into the fresh storage portion of the filter is very low i.e. either there might be any issues with the supplying pipe or there is some choking in the filters. This will affect the quality of water served and hence needs to be given attention immediately.
  • The water imparts a very bad taste and odour, thus confirming the fact that the unit’s efficiency infiltration is getting highly reduced and the time has come for replacement of its associated parts as soon as possible.
  • There are some leaking from some portions of the unit, suggesting that the joints are not stronger anymore and hence need to be paid attention.
  • Some unusual sounds or vibrations are heard from the working units during the normal functionality, indicating the need for services at the earliest.

The water purifier service

Water purifier service in Panchkula refers to all of those service providers that provide purifier repairing services within the limits of Panchkula and Mohali. Generally, an ideal purifier service is considered to be from that company which fulfills the following basic characteristics: –

  • The response time within the receiving of the complaint needs to be very less i.e. the work must get started as soon as the complaint is received.
  • The technicians must be skilled enough to understand the problem and solve the same with the minimal effort and best possible manner.
  • The company must have a good customer review that shows the authenticity and quality of work carried out by the same.

On the basis of the famous reviews, some of the popular service providers for water purifier include Kent RO water purifier service, Hawk RO services, Eureka Forbes etc. to name a few.