Leisure management software is dedicated to boosting profits and increasing the efficiency of a leisure facility. This works by streamlining certain operations and collecting valuable data which can inform the owner about membership sales and the popularity of certain classes.

There are a variety of leisure management software platforms to choose from, each one offering a different experience. Knowing the features that are most important and what to look for when choosing leisure management software will ensure that you invest in the most effective one for your business.

This article looks at the important aspects of leisure management software that might influence your decision to invest.

Membership management

Leisure management software should manage your clients’ membership, so your own staff don’t have to. As auto-renewal is one of the top revenue streams of leisure facilities, then the software should have this as automatic by default either monthly, quarterly or annually.

There also needs to be some level of membership customisation. Offering incentives for long-term clients such as class discounts and member only programs is essential for retaining business. The software needs a good variety of customisation so you can select and keep these benefits in one place.

Clear scheduling

Scheduling is one of the primary functions of leisure management software, as clients ultimately need a convenient place to book personal training sessions or classes. Your principal source of revenue may vary between one-day events or long-term classes of six weeks, so choosing a software that accommodates the widest variety of these is advisable.

The most presentable way for clients to book sessions is in blocks. This provides a clear layout of availability on exact dates. Software that can synchronise to a mobile app and set reminders for your clients and instructors is the most ideal as this minimises missed sessions and refunding.

Staff management

As well as providing a space for clients to organise their fitness schedules and payments, the software should also have the capacity to manage staff.

Providing a staff portal where instructors can manage their schedule, check availability and browse client information is essential for keeping them well-informed. Regarding payroll, this should be automated by using timesheet data with an option to dispense payment at regular intervals.

Flexible and innovative

Before investing in any software, you need to ensure that it is flexible towards certain shifts in the industry and that it’s innovative enough to scale to your business and stand the test of time.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the leisure industry has faced an unprecedented change in consumer habits and at-home fitness trends. Unforeseen circumstances such as this can lead to a business going into liquidation, so you need to ensure the software provides a good recourse for customers who may be thinking of leaving your leisure facility.

Ensure you ask a software company how they are equipped to deal with unanticipated circumstances, examples of new features and where they see their product in six months’ time will give you an idea if the software is suitable for your specific needs.