Benefits of Regular Maintenance

Take a look at a few of the benefits of regular maintenance for the commercial refrigeration units:


Equipment that is inspected and serviced regularly can efficiently run without many serious problems. In such cases, it is less likely to develop major problems that would need repairs. Technicians can easily identify minor issues and repair them before they turn out into a major problem.

Food Safety:

If someone gets sick by consuming the food from your refrigerator, it could majorly affect your reputation. If you take care of refrigeration maintenance, you can be sure all the units are working properly by keeping the food safe and fresh.


Mould, bacteria, viruses, and other pathogens might majorly affect the equipment and find their way into the stored food or ice if the units are not maintained well. This would put the customers at risk of food-borne illnesses. Industrial refrigeration systems is a part of the maintenance activity that can be beneficial to the food service industry.


Commercial refrigeration units are a big investment in any business and you would want them to have a longer life, equipment that is cleaned and well-maintained would likely remain in a good condition for a long time that would save money on repair and replacements.

DIY Refrigeration Maintenance

Thorough tune-ups and inspections should be left out to professionals. However, there are some tasks that you can perform yourself to keep your equipment in peak condition and save up in future repairs.


You need not require any experience to clean. Ideally, the inside and outside of the equipment should be cleaned thoroughly. It should be cleaned with soap and water. Make sure to keep in mind to avoid using strong and abrasive chemicals on the refrigeration equipment. Also, keep in mind that water should never be used on electrical components.


Some problems might need a professional who can spot issues, however, you can still check the equipment for damage or excessive wear. Make sure you look for signs of leakage, loud unusual noise, excess condensation, broken seals on gaskets, broken hinges, all of which can be easily spotted and repaired.

Organise: The refrigeration unit might need proper airflow to work properly. You can remove décor, debris, or stored goods that might disrupt the airflow around the refrigeration unit to make sure that it is ventilated to run properly.

Professional Maintenance

Other than the basic inspection and cleaning that you might do yourself, the Industrial Refrigeration Melbourne unit might need special care from professionals to perform optimally. However, few tasks can be performed during routine maintenance.

·         Check lines for condensation

·         Clean fan blades

·         Inspect fan motor

·         Check the refrigerant levels

·         Check evaporator and condenser coils

·         Check for loose components

·         Check drain lines

·         Check temperature and defrost settings

·         Calibrate thermometers

·         Check filters on ice makers

·         Check for air leaks

·         Lubricate door hinges

There are many more checks that can be completed. However, it would be ideal to consult a professional technician who is well trained in proper maintenance and repair of commercial refrigeration equipment this would ensure that the units are well taken care of.