Cakes do have a long history to look back. When one talks about cakes; apart from being a lovely dessert it also has a lot of stories to tell.

These days, different varieties and flavours of cakes are available. So for cakes delivered UK, one can always add varieties to them.

But when one looks back to the history of cakes, it actually traces back to as early as 13th century and the etymology of the word comes from ‘Kaka’ which is actually an old Norse word. In medieval Europe people used to make cakes from ginger breads and this could last many months. As many food historians would say that the first trace of baking was found in 17th century in Europe because then only people started getting the availability of sugar, food moulds and cake ovens.

But when it came to 19th century, people came to terms of baking soda and baking powder which became very important in cake baking.

When we talk about birthday cakes, the major connection is found in ancient Roman era and the bakeries of Germany first started selling birthday cakes which were made from sweetened dough. But the contemporary form of birthday cakes came much later. Some also believe that the tradition of birthday candles first started in ancient Greece and there people brought cakes surrounded with lit candles to the temple of Artemis who was the goddess of the hunters. The candles were lit to make then look glowing like the moon, and it was a way of worshipping the God.

A present people all believe in cutting wedding cakes but it also has a very ethnic tradition. The first one also began in ancient Rome where the bread like cake was broken on the bride’s head to bring good luck to the marriage. The modern wedding cake on the other hand was first started by Prince Leopold who was the Duke of Albany in 1882.

Some fun facts about cakes

  • These days’ cup cakes have been a favourite for all. Well, it originated way back in 1796 in an American bakery. But it again evolved back in the 19th The oldest cake that was ever baked properly was the wedding cake of Queen Victoria and Prince Albert which is dated at 1840.
  • The tallest possible cake is measured 33 metres and it was made in a city of Jakarta, Indonesia in the year 2008. It took almost 2 months to bake this.
  • The longest cake on the other hand measures about 9903 feet and it was made in Italy in the year 2016.
  • The world’s largest cake sculpture was made by the National Association Cake Designers of Milan in Italy in the year 2015. It took 250 designers to design and bake the cake.

For cake delivery UK one can easily choose from assortments of cakes that are available these days from online cake sites and send it to their loved ones. One can also bake a cake on their own and send them.