One of the most important parts of the human body is the bone marrow. You can find many flexible tissues that make up the hollow interior bones. Those flexible tissues are called bone marrow. If a person is affected with a certain disease related to the bone marrow, then the ultimate solution to the problem is to have a bone marrow transplant.

Bone Marrow Transplant in India treatment has advanced with the latest advancement of the medical science. This has given a hope to many who are suffering from the related disease to have a better life after the transplant.

What Is a Stem Cell?

Many immature cells are present around the bone marrow. These immature cells are responsible for the formation of new blood cells and are popularly known as stem cells.

What Is a Bone Marrow Transplant?

A process, which is done for the introduction of healthy bone marrow cells into the body in order to replace the damaged cells, is known as a bone marrow transplant.

The Different Types of a Bone Marrow Transplant

There are different types of transplant that one can undergo depending on the type of disease that he or she is affected with.

The Autologous Bone Marrow Transplant

This is the type of transplant in which the cells, which are recovering in the body of the patient, are recovered and treated. After the recovery processes of the cells are done, the patient undergoes high doses of chemotherapy. After the completion of the chemotherapy process, the new cells are injected into the body of the patient in an intravenous manner.

The Allogenic Bone Marrow Transplant

This type of bone marrow transplant requires a donor to transplant the new stem cells to the body of the patient. It is important for the donor to have a genetic match with the patient in order to undergo a successful transplantation. There is numerous blood cell related tests are conducted in order to introduce the genetic relationship between the donor and the patient.

Benefits of a successful transplant

A lot of things get involved when discussing the point of the benefits of a successful transplant. Few factors that come into consideration are:

  • The type of cancer the patient was affected with
  • The percentage of match of between the patient and the donor
  • The type of transplant that the patient has undergone

After a successful transplant, the related disease can be brought under control. Depending on the success of the transplant the patient generally gets back to a normal life within a few months or a year.


Nowadays it is important for people to be aware of the certain diseases that are related to the bone marrow. Bone marrow is an important part of the human body and any such issues should not be neglected. People should also be very much aware of the certain symptoms that these diseases show so that they do not delay in order to receive proper treatment. The treatment for the bone marrow related diseases has also advanced a lot over the years and has now been a lot accessible to the people.