What is metabolism, and what are the different metabolism types? More importantly, what does that mean for you, and how do metabolism types affect your daily life? 

Metabolism combines all the chemical processes that allow an organism to sustain life. For humans, this includes converting energy from food for tasks such as breathing, circulating blood, digesting food, and eliminating waste. In short, metabolism is how your body uses the energy absorbed by consuming food (and beverages) to sustain life.

When thinking about the metabolism definition (and metabolism types), you must focus on simultaneously balancing the act metabolism goes through. There are two metabolism types in the metabolic processes: anabolism and catabolism.

Anabolism is a constructive metabolism process designed to build, store, and support the growth of new cells for future use. In anabolism, small molecules transform into more complex molecules of carbohydrates, protein, and fat.

Catabolism is destructive metabolism and is the process that produces the energy needed for all activity in the cells. To release energy, cells break down large molecules. This enables the muscles to contract and the body to move.

All metabolic changes and metabolism types take place in multiple reactions and follow a particular pathway called the metabolic pathway. The metabolic pathway is defined by a series of responses, including the pathways of metabolism types. The metabolite flow and the direction in which metabolism types take place are called the dynamic state of body constituents.

The purpose of metabolic pathways is to extract energy from the food for cellular activities; convert food into building blocks; synthesize biomolecules such as carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids; and eliminate waste and toxic products. Hence, metabolism is an enzyme-catalyzed reaction that provides biomolecules needed by the cells for growth, maintenance, repair, etc.

The processes of metabolism, and the metabolism types, depend on the nutrients that get digested to produce energy. The produced energy is necessary to manufacture our body’s nucleic acids, proteins, and other biomolecules. Encompassed nutrients include a multitude of substances the body requires, either in sufficient amounts or insufficient, resulting in poor health concerning metabolism.

So you’re on a diet, but you have no idea how many ounces are in a pound. No problem! You can find out all of this and more with this infographic that breaks down the weight conversions by nationality.

Food provides a variety of elements that are critical for the building and repairing of tissues, a specific function of the body. Necessary nutrients help by supplying the required energy and other important chemicals that the body cannot synthesize. Food sources require both organic nutrients and inorganic chemical compounds for a complete make-up. Organic nutrients include fats, vitamins, carbohydrates, and proteins, which are extremely important in any diet. Inorganic chemical compounds include oxygen, water, and other dietary minerals that are vital to the metabolic process and metabolism types.

Muscle speeds the metabolism causing the body to work more efficiently to process food faster and increase appetite. Here are three tips on how you can speed up metabolism. The first step is to get lots of exercise. Hitting the gym for a good workout builds muscle. Secondly, don’t skip meals! Space meals 3-4 hours apart are the best way to consume foods needed for daily energy. Eating more efficiently can sustain energy throughout the day, and you’ll most likely be free of headaches, hunger pains, or mood swings (being hangry). Lastly, watch what you eat. The old saying “you are what you eat” is true; what you eat influences your metabolism and mood. This will affect whether you feel energetic, sluggish, moody, etc. Foods high in sugar, saturated fats, artificial sweeteners, and low in water and fiber will slow digestion and cause weight gain.

To achieve and maintain an overall health and wellness performance, here are some tips from experts to apply to your daily routine:

  • Implement a healthy, well-balanced diet of whole foods (and organic when possible). This includes fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains
  • Focus on living an active lifestyle with a goal of at least 150 minutes of physical activity a week
  • Get lots of sleep, which for most individuals means seven to eight hours
  • Manage stress by implementing mindfulness, meditation, or other relaxing activities.