Interior décor has now become a fascinating subject over time, people are now not only conscious of it but many are obsessed with it. People around the spends much of their time and money around it just to feel that satisfaction whenever they are in between their spaces, which makes the interior design a 40 billion dollars’ worth of industry.

Window treatments are indeed a major component of the interior design industry and window blinds are likely the major ones in window treatments, loved by many all around the world. Window blinds are the most affordable window treatments in the industry backed by a huge variety and style range.

Many people use window blinds as their primary window treatment option for their homes, many are satisfied, and many of them consider these a nightmare. One of the top reasons people prefer other window treatments like shades, curtains, and so on is because likely they are using a ready-made window treatment rather than a custom one.

Ready-made is not likely a thing to go when going for window blinds. Window blinds are at their best when they are custom-made, but going for custom blinds treatment may disturb your overall budget.

Here we discuss some of the major reasons for choosing custom blinds rather than ready-made and why the custom treatment for window blinds is much more expensive than other customize window treatments like shades and so on.

Perfect fit

The top reason to go for custom window blinds is that the ideal fit, sharply across your window. Mostly window blinds lose their grace just because of their poor fitting, looks seriously unfinished and that unfinished thing surely will not be going to provide that sleekness and grace. Poor fitting also downgrades some of the top features of your window blinds like managing light and especially maintaining the desired privacy. If you are having high-end fabric and want energy efficiency and insulation out of it then don’t get me wrong you are not going to have each of these.

Ready-made blinds are most likely not to fit ideally, that store owner surely doesn’t know your window size so why waste money and time instead go for custom window blinds.

Much better privacy and light control

Custom window blinds fit tightly and strictly across the window, with no such gaps around the window from where the sun can escape. In the bedroom where is a definite need for privacy, ready-made window blinds aren’t going to work and even can manage the light efficiently so you can sleep better.

Like the bedroom, many more spaces require the same amount of privacy and light control. So if are planning for window blinds then consider custom blinds. they not only your interior with that privacy but also that class and modern looking appeal which is much in spaces like bedrooms and so on.

Much More Durable:

It is observed that ready-made window blinds require more maintenance than custom blinds which is quite logical because of a simple reason, in the manufacturing of ready-made window blinds there is often a use of standard quality not that high-end like custom-made blinds. you are in almost full control when having custom blinds treatments from color to design, to the fabric type and style.

Here you can have a fabric type according to your situation, which means if a fabric is providing you that durability in a particular space it might not do the same in another space. To analyze the surrounding in which you are going to install a window blind and choose the fabric type accordingly.

Easy To Purchase and Install:

Purchasing a ready-made window blind is very time-consuming and requires much effort, and even after all that if you can’t make to find a one for you then? Or even if find a one brings it home and when the time comes for its installation and here you notice that it is not fitting well then? Ask yourself these questions then go towards the market.

Buying a ready-made window blinds treatment means that you are the one who is likely going to install it or it ends up like hiring a professional to do it for you, more expenses.

Going for custom-made window blinds is like chilling on to your couch and having internet access and there you go. Find custom-made manufacturers and look for their client’s reviews and feedback set an appointment for window measuring and relax. After a few days, your window blinds are manufactured on your preferences, and here is the main thing that the services provider will install them for you, these installation services are often included in your agreement with custom manufacturers.

Also, read about the MDI Painting Blog.

Are custom window blinds expensive?

Now you are aware of the biggest drawbacks of having ready-made window blind treatments. Yes, there is no reason to debate, custom window blinds are much more expensive. But do you really think that going for cheap with ready-made blinds is a wise act or to have an investment that can pay back for a long time?

Custom window blinds are one straight investment, not much cost in maintaining them, and in some cases no cost at all. On the other hand, ready-made blinds need to be replaced quite sooner than custom-made blinds.

The decision is yours…….