The thought of visiting a dentist for the first time can really be scary for both kids and adults. However, credible dentists ensure there is nothing to be afraid about. The oral health industry ensures that every patient is comfortable during a session. This makes the experience of visiting your dentist overall satisfying and rewarding as well, especially when it comes to healthy gums and teeth.

Clinton dentists ensure you get an extensive dental checkup in comfort

When you visit your dentist for the first time, there are several things to expect out of which the main ones are as follows-

  • X-rays- Your dentist should know what is wrong with your teeth or gums, and so he/she will recommend a dental x-ray for examining the problem at hand. For instance, bitewing X-rays identify cavities, infection, gum disease, and loss of bone. Again, panoramic X-rays determine whether you have impacted teeth, abnormalities in the bone, tumors, or other problems. These dental records maintained by Clinton dentists help you keep track of your mild and serious oral health issues so that you get the best treatment possible.
  • Oral health examinations- Dental examinations are essential when you visit your dentist for the first time. In these tests, your teeth and mouth will be examined to look for dental cavities, signs of gum disease, and gingivitis. You might have complaints about bleeding gums, tooth sensitivity, toothaches, and others that need to be investigated. This examination will permit the dentist to create a customized treatment plan that caters to specific oral healthcare issues and needs.
  • Dental cleaning- Dental cleaning is also called dental prophylaxis, and it generally takes place after a dental examination. It is popularly known as scaling. This is a process that deploys special instruments to remove all the plaque that collects on the teeth. The plague has bacteria that increase the levels of acidity in the oral cavity after drinking and eating. If you allow it to accumulate on the teeth and underneath your gums, the plague erodes the enamel of the teeth leading to tooth decay that increases the risks of gum disease. It even damages the bones that support the teeth, so dentists recommend you regularly have your teeth cleaned after every six months.

Additional procedures that might be recommended to you

Clinton dentists also carry out extra procedures that sync with your treatment plan and other concerns you bring to your dentist. These procedures might include dental crowns, bridges, dental fillings, and teeth whitening.

Last but not least, when you visit a dentist for the first time, ensure you read about his/her reviews online. In this manner, you can effectively get the best professionals for your oral health. Choose friendly, skilled dentists and make you feel comfortable every time you visit them for the best results! Make sure you take your kids to the dentist as well so that they have healthy gums and teeth as well.