Furthermore, as a result of the COVID-19 epidemic, about 70% of the world’s entire student population will be affected by school closures by 2020. The worldwide eLearning market, which was already booming, further increased in importance. Students’ ability to participate in forms of online learning is more important than ever, and more people than ever—students and teachers alike—are curious about the differences between online and traditional learning.

Online LearningTraditional Learning
With an online connection, you can learn from anywhere.Learn in a physical environment.
You can access stuff whenever you want.Stick to a schedule.
Socialization and a sense of belonging are limited.Interact with other students and instructors in the classroom.
Virtual engagement with course contentExperiential learning
Makes use of modern technologies that students are already familiar with.Conducted in person using methods that are known to most educators

Traditional Learning

This instructional mode is the easiest to handle, owing to the fact that we have all been there. In a physical classroom, when the teacher or instructor sits in the front and the students/learners occupy the rest of the area, the students/learners play a more passive role. They are lectured to, with the expectation that they will remember the material for future use (or not).

  • On the plus side, unlike when we were all kids in school, the material presented in a business classroom is immediately applicable.
  • The employee will either attend an on boarding session or had to informed/trained on a set of duties that he or she will be undertaking in the company. As a result, as a worker, you will be naturally driven to pay attention.
  • In all instances, the teacher/instructor should adopt an interactive approach to the extent feasible in order to engage the student.
  • In this “conventional” environment, we must also add on-the-job training that a person may get in order to learn how to utilise software or execute jobs in the company’s warehouse, such as a forklift operator.


Before we leap to conclusions, it’s important mentioning that face-to-face classes offer a number of advantages that completely online class’s lack:


The teacher/instructor has a “closer” and “more visceral” interaction with the students. The reality is that “man is a social animal by nature” and “cannot survive alone” (Aristotle). As a result, we will automatically ‘relate’ to and cherish the fact that we are engaging with another human being.


We may relate to the teacher’s tone of voice, facial expressions, body language, movement through the classroom, and pictures drawn on the chalkboard/whiteboard when we are in a physical classroom setting. You may also be given the opportunity to handle a relevant object being discussed, such as a piece of equipment that you will use in your daily work tasks.


In the classroom, there will be other students/learners. This has multiple advantages, including brainstorming and exchanging ideas in a roundtable format; hearing questions from other learners that you would not have thought to ask yourself answered; and building relationships and networking with your co-workers, regardless of whether the classes are about the on boarding process or a specific work-related topic.

State of consciousness.

When you go into the classroom or training facility, you ‘tune in’ to learning and can better focus on the problem at hand since you have a set timetable and location.


You won’t be distracted by the distractions that may (or may not) be there if you learn at home it can be kids, calls, unexpected guests, the refrigerator, an infinite variety of noises, etc.


Although we are all so acclimated to a typical classroom environment that we find it mostly acceptable, it does present certain problems that we may have previously just ‘put up with’ (since we didn’t have a choice) and therefore overlooked:


If your job pattern isn’t set in stone, a regular timetable might be difficult. It might be difficult or impossible to finish training if you have to cancel lessons or training – especially if you are not the only student in the programme.

Cost and time are two factors to consider.

Travel time and costs associated with travel expenses such as petrol, tolls, and food might be a hardship if the training is taking place at a distance from the office, factory, or warehouse where one typically works.


Some people just do not operate well in a classroom atmosphere or with a tight learning schedule, therefore self-paced courses are preferable.


The learning materials must be maintained – arranged, and carried about if the teacher/instructor distributes printed information or you are expected to follow the studies in printed books.


A classroom may be everything but democratic or interesting. The learning process can become fairly slowed if one has the misfortune of having an uninteresting teacher/instructor.


Also, if any of your students are “noisy” or someone “hijacks” the learning process for whatever reason, the class might spiral out of control.

Tasks most appropriate for traditional learning

All of that having been said, there are some subjects and/or activities that are most appropriate for a traditional classroom setting:


Role-play situations such as customer service contacts between a corporate employee and a consumer might benefit from face-to-face (F2F) mock-ups between classmates or between the teacher and a student, allowing the learner to experience a more visceral real-time scenario. Because the salesperson will most likely meet with a potential customer face to face and will need to practise tone of voice, body language, and other aspects, role-play sessions are very useful to sales training.


Any profession that requires hands-on experience, such as forklift operator, hospital emergency room assistant, warehouse manager, or assembly line worker, will necessitate some classroom and/or on-the-job training.

Online Learning

With the introduction of personal computers and the Internet, eLearning has become a vital component of the corporate learning landscape. From the perspective of the student, eLearning offers a dizzying array of options, including courses of all types and sizes, chats, document sharing, cooking, and, of course, real-time online group sessions via videoconferencing systems like Zoom or Skype. These sessions may be thought of as typical lessons that are delivered using videoconferencing systems via the internet. We may refer to them as virtual instructor-led classroom instruction in this sense (VILT).

  • Self-paced eLearning courses are another feature of online education that stands out. These may or may not be related to a classroom curriculum in the business context.
  • If they are, they can be used outside of class time to enrich and “round out” the classroom dynamic.
  • If they’re a stand-alone resource, they can be more self-paced and have more flexible deadlines, allowing the online student (employee) to fit the course into any time gaps in his or her calendar, both in-office and out-of-office.


Without intending to exaggerate, there are several advantages to using an online classroom. Here are a few examples:


 While classroom learning may involve an additional travel, greater costs, and disruption of the employee’s work schedule, online programmes are less likely to do so. Indeed, a large percentage of eLearning course materials do not even require the engagement of a teacher or instructor, making them ready-to-use. The student may take classes whenever and wherever they choose – typically on a smartphone and even when they are not connected to the internet.


Consider going outside the nation! Multinational businesses may now train their staff across borders – all at the same time – thanks to the availability of online programmes. Real-time classes may be held with students from all around the world. Learners may even form online study groups to help them progress quicker in their studies.

Multimedia alternatives are available

While multimedia may be used in traditional classrooms in the form of PowerPoint presentations and movies, the multimedia choices in eLearning are genuinely extensive, with videos, quizzes, branching situations, screencasts, and a tonne of capability that comes with a pre-packaged course. Visual additions, such as photos and videos, may put you in the middle of an irate customer, teach you how to effectively negotiate a key corporate negotiation, or send you careening through space.


ELearning courses can be provided in addition to online classroom time to help students better comprehend the content. Of course, standalone courses may be used in the business sector to achieve a variety of educational purposes, such as tutorials and even diploma programmes. Professional growth opportunities are virtually limitless. Consider that once a course is created, it is accessible ‘at the touch of a button’ – indefinitely. All that is required is to update the content on a regular basis to reflect changes in the industry, and voilà, it is ready to go out again.


Online quizzes are not only more engaging than gazing at a blank piece of paper, but they may also be more thrilling in some situations. In a quiz that uses the branching process, for example, decisions made in a medical or military question can have life-or-death repercussions — all while being almost safe to fail.

The outcomes of the tests

The results of quizzes and tests may be provided to the teacher/instructor in the form of a report, allowing them to keep track of how things are progressing. The days of manually examining and correcting quizzes and tests are long gone.

Additional information

In contrast to printed hand-outs, it is quite simple to give learners with links to extra materials such as articles, PowerPoint presentations, websites, eBooks, and videos.

Materials management

Assignments are planned and submitted online, and students can email their queries to the teacher/instructor.Professional assistance can help individuals to write an effective event description, along with acquiring Assignment Help. Additionally, study materials can be supplied prior to class time, allowing the learner to assimilate the knowledge at their own speed and therefore maximise VILT class time – which is always limited. A learning management system (LMS) is particularly useful for this purpose, as it allows the teacher/instructor to not only manage the distribution of materials, but also to receive reports on which materials were accessed by individual learners, how far they progressed, and whether or not they understood the material (with quizzes).

On an equal footing One distinguishing feature of online classrooms is that, in theory, all students are on an equal footing, with everyone having an equal voice throughout class time. The teacher/instructor can better control those students who tend to dominate a face-to-face classroom situation by talking louder, interrupting, or asking needless questions (sometimes to show off)


Consider taking an online exam with the intention of cheating. Reconsider your position. While most online examinations assume you’ll have access to your textbooks, notes, and the Internet, there are techniques to thwart cheating efforts.


Those who believe that being virtual is a virtue may be mistaken. Let’s look at some of the disadvantages of not using chalk throughout the presentation:


 Although we previously said that the online classroom can help students avoid overbearing peers and blabbermouths, one study found that one disadvantage of online class communication is that students tend to communicate in ‘blurbs.’


While the learner benefits from having more freedom in scheduling his or her outside-of-classroom studies (pre-class preparation and homework), this might lead to procrastination. Any location outside of the workplace, as we all know, can invite distractions, some of which we’ve previously mentioned. As a result, eLearning necessitates the creation and maintenance of a consistent study regimen. Online lessons will work just well for those who are more competent at this. Those who aren’t well-organized in this regard will suffer to some extent.

There will be less socialising:

The student will have less opportunity to network and interact before and after class if they do not spend time in a real classroom with their peers. Having this chance promotes the building of connections, which can lead to a more effective overall staff.

Frustrations with technology:

Let’s face it:

Despite the fact that we’ve gone a long way since the invention of computers and the Internet, not everyone is tech savvy, and some individuals even refuse to use it. This can lead to missed time spent ‘fighting’ with one’s technology, which can lead to poorer success rates in an online classroom and related duties like homework. Employees’ computers may also be unable to meet the online classroom’s technical requirements, which include a fast CPU and a stable Internet connection.

Transition is a difficult task:

Although many businesses have chosen to move to remote/distance learning to the extent that it is practicable – particularly in light of the present epidemic – not all corporate teachers/instructors/educators are ‘equipped’ to embrace this modality as successfully as may be hoped. In person, a teacher/instructor/educator may be highly active, but on television, they may appear to be fairly ‘flat.’

Simulations and Scenarios

Interactive eLearning scenarios and simulations are exercises that may bring learners closer to real-life situations or tasks without really having to deal with the repercussions. Scenarios empower students by allowing them to choose from a variety of alternatives depending on their comprehension of the issue. Simulations, on the other hand, assist pupils in developing real-world skills and simulating hands-on experience.

Immersive Learning Situation with a Purpose

Using hotspots, build an interactive tour of an idea, process, or any real-life scenario using this scenario template. Learning objectives may be reinforced with instructional feedback for each learner decision, and learners can pick their own path to progress.

Individualized Simulation Based on Roles

Place learners in scenarios and ask them to respond as a problem-solver or a decision-maker to each one. Make learners aware of the complexity of each task by providing instructional comments.

Museum Modelling

An interaction that allows users to take a 3D tour of a museum in up to four sections each of which can include photos and videos.


We’ve all grown up hearing and experiencing stories. I have a lot of memories of stories from my youth. It’s only natural that every time I wear a hooded, red sweater, I refer to myself as ‘Little Red Riding Hood.’ The power of tales is undeniable. They stick with you for a long time, and you recall every detail of your favourite storey.


 This one is self-explanatory. Is there a more effective method to tell a narrative than with a 3D eBook that contains text, photos, and videos?

Character Interaction

Using this intriguing interaction, tell your tale as a conversation between drawn characters or objects.

Playing games

Games are intended to be enjoyable by their very nature. Humans are more inclined to accomplish something if it is more enjoyable. For the most part, it comes naturally to us. Detaining eLearning games are also available. When these games are combined with the appropriate game mechanisms such as leader boards, points, badges, levels, etc. engagement levels skyrocket.

Take a spin on the wheel

An interactive game that allows you to assign a wide range of questions in a single evaluation

Video Poker Machine

A game that may be used to inspire students and is based on the principle of positive reinforcement

Questions-based tic-tac-toe

Most students are familiar with this game since they have played it since they were children. It may be utilised to successfully reinforce learning principles.

Crossword Puzzle (Audio-Visual)

It’s a popular game that may be used to assist students remember one right word relevant to the clue using auditory or visual cues.

Online learning is a cost-effective and underappreciated option that allows students to study at their own speed. It also allows you to balance your education and personal life. All of this comes from a single commodity: a house. Without sacrificing your education, you can learn while travelling across the world.

Furthermore, it saves you both time and money. There is no need to pay for transportation, the courses are generally cheaper, and there are no geographical limitations.Traditional schooling is still very much alive and well. It’s a reliable and efficient choice. It also offers pupils with a suitable study schedule. And, let’s be honest, it can be difficult to break free from old patterns and begin a new routine out of the blue.

In the end, the decision is yours to make. It is critical to consider carefully what you want and desire from your schooling. Make a decision based on what is most essential to you.

So, it can be said that both the education system has their own importance in the modern era!

About Author:

Jake Thomson is a contributing writer to LiveWebTutors. He is a podcaster, style coach and has been a blogger and a professional blogger writing about educational skills, personal development, and motivation since 2010. He has her blogging website and well-established blog.We operate a team of experts and qualified professionals who will provide high-qualityEssay Writing Helpto Australia students.