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Category: Health


Easy Tips to Improve Life 

Have you finally had enough of living a lazy and boring lifestyle? Are you ready to make subtle changes in your life that will help you boost the quality of your life and health? If the answer is yes, then you are here at the…

Elder Companion Care

Benefits of Having Elder Companion Care | Read And Know 

Imagine living in a world where you had no friends or family… You do realise that it would be pretty isolated, don’t you? The unfortunate reality, however, is that people of retirement age or elders are more likely than people of any other age group…

Featured, Health

Sando Surgical: Who Are We and What Do We Do? 

Sando Surgical is one of the best Laser Preventive Maintenance & Repair service providers who are determined to provide you on time and top-notch services. But why should someone opt for the services of Sando Surgical? To answer this question, firstly you will need to…

Recovering from Open Heart Surgery: What To Expect?

Recovering from Open Heart Surgery: What To Expect? 

Open heart surgery demands comprehensive care both before and after the procedure. Typically, the surgery requires you to stay in the hospital for around seven to ten days post-surgery. After this, recovery can take up to 6 to 8 weeks. During this time, your chest…

Da Vinci Robotic Surgery From Max Hospital

Da Vinci Robotic Surgery From Max Hospital 

Da Vinci robotic surgery in India by Max Hospital is considered one of the best in the country. As a leading hospital in India, Max Hospital adopts the latest technologies and surgical procedures to provide the best healthcare to all their patients. The hospital has the…


8-Week Ultrasound | A Companionship Journey For Mothers-To-Be 

An ultrasound provides you with a peek at your developing child. The anticipation of your first ultrasound might induce both anxiety and excitement. Additionally, ultrasounds enable gynecologists to assess the foetus’s health and certify a healthy pregnancy. You must be nervous about the impending scan…

Plastic Surgery

Understanding the Basics of Plastic Surgery 

Plastic surgery comes from the Greek word Plastikos which means to shape. Burns, skin cancers, hand trauma, congenital malformations, aesthetic surgery, and many other conditions are treated by plastic surgeons. Plastic surgery is frequently regarded as a catch-all term referring to surgical solutions for altering…


Who helped with my Diet? 

When I turned 40 last year, I felt that I was not happy with the way I looked or felt and that I needed to make some changes in order to have a healthy lifestyle. My friends recommended Novomed’s registered dietitian in Dubai, whom I…


What are the 7 ways to deal with stress? 

To get us motivated and in the right mindset, you can use productivity apps like 2–Button for iOS and 2–Button for Android. 1. Find the Right Tools You should avoid physical overexertion, even if you have the best intentions of staying on top of things….