Did you know in 2020, there were an estimated 18,900 gynecologists and obstetricians? There are a lot of myths surrounding when you should and shouldn’t see a gynecologist.

In this guide, we’ll go over common myths regarding gynecological practice.

Want to learn more? Keep reading.

You Aren’t Worried About Breast Cancer

A lot of times, women believe they won’t end up with breast cancer because relatives haven’t had the disease. People will often use this as an excuse not to go get a mammogram.

Yet, most women who get breast cancer don’t have a family history of the disease. Mammograms will help detect cancer, even at the smaller stages. Make sure you book mammograms.

IUD’s Aren’t Safe

Some people believe that intrauterine devices (IUD), a small device implanted in the uterus to prevent pregnancy, aren’t safe. Modern IUDs tend to be the safest form of temporary birth control.

You Have to Rebook if You’re on Your Period

Most patients will think they need to call and cancel their appointment right away if they’re on their period.

You might not have to cancel your appointment if your period started or is almost over. It will depend on how heavy your bleeding is and your comfort level.

Also, why are you visiting the doctor? If you need a pap smear and your flow is light, your doctor could still proceed.

Call your doctor and talk to them. They can tell you whether you should rebook.

Pap Smears Will Test for STI’s

A lot of people believe a pap smear will screen for sexually transmitted infections. Some medical providers will test for these infections, but not everyone will.

If you would prefer to get tested for infections, ask your gynecologist beforehand. This way, you can make sure you get screened for any infections.

If you’re sexually active, get tested STI’s.

You Don’t Need Pap Smears After the Gardasil Shot

The HPV vaccine can protect against some strains of the virus, but it won’t protect against all. It won’t protect against all cases of cervical cancer. You could still get HPV even if you had the vaccination.

Make sure you still get screened for cervical cancer.

You Need to Be a Certain Age Before Seeing a Gynecologist

A lot of people believe they need to be a certain age before seeing a gynecologist.

Yet, patients can be as young as 13 and see an OB-GYN. The doctor will complete a routine health screening. Also, the doctor will answer the patient’s questions or concerns.

If you have questions about sexuality, the menstrual cycle, or STDs, see an OB-GYN. Learn about the mistakes to avoid when choosing a gynecologist. 

People Only Visit the OB-GYN During Child-Bearing Years

People should visit their OB-GYN throughout their lifetime. Often people think they should only see them during their child-bearing years.

When you see your OB-GYN, you will be able to discuss any concerns you have about your body. Share concerns or issues about bodily changes that occur from menopause or pre-menopause.

Visiting the OB-GYN will allow you to talk about issues about your body. You might have questions about potential birth control plans.

People will speak with an OB-GYN if they want to discuss preventing or getting pregnant.

People Assume It’s Okay to Have Children Later

A lot of women wait to have children. Most women in their 20s or 30s focus on careers, traveling, and meeting new people. A lot of people believe it’s fine to postpone pregnancy until they reach 40.

Healthy women ages 20-30 have a better chance of getting pregnant, but the chances will drop when they turn 40.

Fertility treatments help a patient achieve pregnancy. Yet, it’s more difficult when the patient ages.

Birth Control Decreases Fertility

Taking birth control over a long period won’t decrease your fertility. Fertility can diminish if you stop birth control later in life. Stopping birth control later and trying to get pregnant will be more challenging.

Only Schedule OB-GYN Appointments When You Need a Pap Smear

You should always visit your OB-GYN and not for a pap smear.

Talk about your different sexual activities and how many partners you have. Your OB-GYN will check your breast health and answer any questions that come up.

You Only Need an Annual Pap Smear

If you have a history of typical results, you might only need to get a pap smear once every three years. Most women won’t need a pap smear until they turn 21 unless they become sexually active beforehand.

Prior testing that detects precancerous cells will mean you need to get a pap smear every year.

Pap Smears Test for STDS

Some OB-GYNs will test for STDs, while some don’t. Many gynecologists will only run the span of STD screening tests if there’s a high level of risk.

You should be honest about your sexual history and practices. It’s important to talk about any concerns or questions you have about STDS.

Discuss with them that you’d like to get tested if you have many partners or have STD symptoms. Get tested if you have more than one sexual partner.

You Understand Common Myths Regarding a Gynecologist

We hope this guide on common myths regarding a gynecologist will help. You shouldn’t put off seeing the gynecologist.

Make sure you schedule an annual visit. If you have questions about your cycle, sexual health, or more, book an appointment.

Are you looking for more health tips? Check out our resources on the blog.