When it comes to corporations and companies, everyone seem to have an opinion- the media, customers, shareholders, the general public and the government. There are several kinds of PR and multiple viewpoints. Each type of PR has its own purpose and each one also suits a particular type of professional. Go through this list on various kinds of PR services to know more:

  1. Media relations- Media relations mean nothing but handling the media. This includes writing the press releases, giving various press conferences and scheduling interviews. The main aim is generating positive coverage of the company, brand or products.
  2. Corporate as well as social responsibility- There is also a type of tech PR firms that improves the reputation of a company for environmental responsibility, ethics, charity and community works. Abbreviated as CSR PR, this type of PR service can be of great help to an organization. If one wants to be a skilled CSR officer, he needs to have networking skills, convincing power and people skills.
  3. Crisis management- Crisis management is the type of PR that one requires in times of disasters. Crisis managers need to be quick thinkers who can spin any issue. They should be able to delegate tasks and manage teams. They understand media channels for being able to tell which situations need press conferences and which ones can be solved by one single tweet.
  4. Community relations-The community relationship officers basically develop the relationship of the company with the non-local and local community. If you want to be a successful community relationship manager, it is mandatory for you to understand the manner in which the people of the community act and think. In order to do so you need to be intuitive, enthusiastic, strategic and organized.
  5. Employee relations- Employee relations or internal PR is a type of business that gives employees a non-negative and even positive view of the company they serve. The goal of this PR is to satisfy and motivate the employees to be loyal. Employee relations PR do this through several activities like resolving disputes, organizing events for employees etc.
  6. Communications and integrated marketing- The abbreviated form of Integrated Marketing and Communications is IMC. It is not entirely a type of public relations but a way of taking all activities from media relations to advertising to internal communications and using them for the benefit of the company.
  7. Public affairs- Public affairs or lobbying is about being in the good books of the government. Professionals who manage public affairs make contact with several governmental organizations for achieving their goals. The qualities that they need to possess are tenacity, personality and cleverness.
  8. Social media- Many companies take help of social media as a platform for marketing. The reason is that social media, if utilized properly, has immense PR potential. This is the place where the way you interact with one particular customer becomes visible to the entire world. This gives companies the opportunity to display their brightest side. It is also the perfect place for genuine public apologies.