Did you know that less than 3 percent of homes in the United States are equipped with generators for homes? There are tons of home generator features that make them a great investment for your home. You’ll never want to be stuck without power but if you invest in generators for homes then you’ll never need to worry.

But how do you choose the best home generator, the provider? And what are the different types of generators to consider investing in for your home? These are good questions that deserve good answers. Luckily, you’ve come to the right place to get the answers you’re seeking about generators for homes and the types of generators to consider.

Continue reading to learn everything you need to know and consider when getting a generator for your home.

Types of Generators for Homes

There are a number of different generators available for use at your home. There are generators that run on gasoline and generators that run on diesel. There are also natural gas generators for use at your home. Knowing your options will get you one step closer to finding the perfect generator for your home’s needs.

Gasoline Generators

Gasoline generators are some of the most common types of generators. They’re easy to find and purchase and they make for great portable generators. These generators come in 2-gallon and 5-gallon capacities and need to be kept outdoors due to the exhaust fumes that they emit.

The gasoline stays good inside of the generator for up to three years if you opt to use a fuel stabilizer with the gasoline inside of the tank. This makes it a great option for storing until you truly need it.

Diesel Generators

Diesel generators are the most efficient option when it comes to a home generator. They’re not only popular and easy to find, but they’re reliable. They’re the best choice for a standby generator at your home.

They’re designed to provide large amounts of power over an extended period of time so if you’re wanting to provide power to your entire home for a prolonged period then you need to consider getting a diesel generator. These generators are similar to gasoline generators in that they should only be used outdoors due to exhaust fumes.

For more information about diesel generators be sure to view site.

Natural Gas Generators

If you’re looking for a cost-effective generator then you’ll like what a natural gas generator has to offer. It is the cheapest option and it has plenty of readily available fuel to use with it. The drawback is that natural gas is less efficient to use when compared to diesel generators.

The good news is that you don’t need to refuel this type of generator since it has a direct pipeline of natural gas that flows right into the generator. There also isn’t any storage required for natural gas so it is the most convenient option when it comes to the different types of generators.

This type of generator should also never be used indoors due to the harmful fumes it emits. It also isn’t impervious to power outages like the gasoline and diesel generators are.

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Factors to Consider

Purchasing generators for homes is a big investment and shouldn’t be taken lightly. This investment will keep your power on when it goes out all-around your home. Here is a closer look at what you need to consider when you start shopping for generators and comparing generator costs.

Portable or Backup

You’ll need to decide if you want a backup generator for your home or if a portable generator is a better fit for your needs. Portable generators are convenient because of how mobile they are. The downside to these generators is that they have a low fuel capacity and you’ll need to refuel them by hand. They also produce a limited amount of power.

A permanent backup generator is great because you’re able to connect it directly to gas lines for easy refueling. As soon as the power goes out, this backup generator kicks on to ensure that your household has everything that it needs.

Fuel Type

Another important thing to consider is the fuel type you prefer. The most common generators are powered by gasoline and diesel. Backup generators sometimes work best with natural gas since you’re able to connect a natural gas line directly to the generator.

There are benefits to each type of fuel. Diesel is the most efficient fuel choice when it comes to power produced per gallon. Natural gas is the most cost-effective option you have at your disposal.

Power Output

You’ll also want to consider the power output that your home requires. Do you have a large home with many electronic appliances that need power? If that is the case then you’ll need a more powerful generator. If you only need enough power to keep your refrigerator and lights running then a portable generator should be up to the task.

Backup generators are a great choice for a large home or a business. They’re designed to provide tons of power over a prolonged period of time. 

Reading Online Reviews

In order to get the best generators for homes, you should do your research by reading online reviews posted by other customers. This gives you insight into their experience using the generator you’re interested in. You also need to do research on installation companies if you opt for a permanent backup generator for your home.


Different generators have different costs associated with them. Each fuel type has a different cost and level of efficiency. Make sure that the generator you purchase fits comfortably in your budget and that the fuel type you choose isn’t overly expensive. This will help you make the most of your investment.

Get Your Backup Power Today

Generators for homes are a great investment in the event that your power goes out. Some generators are designed to keep life going as usual while others are designed for providing power for basic needs. You’ll need to decide if a portable generator or a permanent generator is a better fit for your household’s needs.

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