If you are looking to purchase a premium custom product for your friends or family or even business corporate clients but don’t know what to opt for, you are at the right place!

Premium custom products always make others feel significant and happy. It helps to maintain a good relationship be it any close friend, family member, or business partner. To find premium custom product in Thailand, use the term ​​สินค้าพรีเมี่ยม to browse on internet.

Here is a list of the top 5 premium custom products in Thailand:

Coffee Gift Box  

A coffee gift box is the perfect custom product to be given to someone. Here are the ten things that you can include in your custom coffee gift box:

  • Coffee

The coffee that you will include in your basket should be of the best quality available in Thailand. Always opt for 2-3 distinctive flavors (in case if you don’t know what is the flavor preference of the other person). The presence of distinctive flavors of the coffee will give the person a good impression and will increase the volume of the coffee gift basket as well. The more, the merrier!

  •  Flavored Syrup

The flavored syrup is just the way to make your coffee tastier and more presentable. Hence, if you are gifting a premium coffee gift box it will be good to add more things besides the coffee as well to enjoy the coffee with. Add distinctively flavored syrup to your box. It can be of peppermint flavoring or a cinnamon stick to go with the cinnamon flavor.

  • A mug

Coffee is always enjoyable in a good, classy mug. So why not gift a mug along with it as well. It will be a complete package, no?

  • Chocolates/ Biscuits

One of the delicious side snack things that go with coffee is chocolates and biscuits. Add some fancy chocolates to give a fancy look to your coffee box. Add biscuits to your box as well to give it a richer volume.

Fruit Basket  

A collection of great delicious and fresh fruits can enhance anyone’s day. Who doesn’t love fresh fruits? You can easily create a custom Thai freshest fruit basket yourself. Customize your fruit basket with Thai fruits such as:

  • Durian (Tu-Rian)
  • Pineapple (Sapparod)
  • Papaya (Ma-La-Kaw)
  • Mango (Ma-Muang)
  • Mangosteen (Mang-Kut)
  • Rambutan (NgoR)

Fruit baskets give a wholesome look. We are sure anyone you will send a fresh Thai fruit basket, will be more than happy.

A Custom Portrait  

Custom portraits are so in trend nowadays. You can gift a custom portrait of the person you are gifting it to, or you can select a painting that you think will be loved by the other person. A portrait of aesthetic nature and art can never go wrong.


Thailand is a land of gemstones. It is well known for its quality and beautiful gemstones. Thailand has been renowned as one of the globe’s major pieces of jewelry and gemstones centers. Hence, therefore a gift of custom-made gemstone jewelry can never go wrong. Some beautiful gemstones include such as ruby, diamond, and blue or yellow sapphire. No one cannot love gemstones, that too of Thailand!

Thai Clothing   

If you have friends who do not belong to Thailand, it is always great to gift them custom Thai culture clothes. It is depicted as a gesture of gratitude to gift something belonging to your culture.

Personalized Diary

A custom personalized diary with the person’s name you are gifting it to seems like the best idea with a side addition of a pen. Who doesn’t like writing and organizing their goals? Add some chocolates with it to make the gift look more solid. You can add cute illustrations as well to give it a more lovely and thoughtful look.

Lastly, never forget to attach a wholesome card with your premium custom products to give it a lovely and caring look!